
Async init of actors test

Primary LanguageSwift

A PoC highlighting that ManageAtomicLazyRef solves rentrancy problems with naive solution to Asyncronously initialized shared actor as presented here in Swift Forum Thread


Use ManagedAtomicLazyReference inside of swift-atomics

/// An actor protecting a mutable `value: Value` which is typically a struct, that has to
/// be asyncrounsly created initially
public final actor AsyncInitSharedStoreActor {
	/// Swift Atomics
	private static let managedAtomicLazyRef = ManagedAtomicLazyReference<AsyncInitSharedStoreActor>()
	/// Some protected value, typically a struct
	private var value: Value
	private init() async {
		/// Typically reading `value` from Keychain or some other async storage
		self.value = await someMethodWhichMustBeAsync() 

extension AsyncInitSharedStoreActor {

	public static func shared() async -> AsyncInitSharedStoreActor {
		await managedAtomicLazyRef.storeIfNilThenLoad(AsyncInitSharedStoreActor())

	public func get() async -> Value {

	public func update(_ value: Value) async {
		self.value = value