
Repo for the Workshop: "Artificial neural networks in R with Keras and TensorFlow" at the 2nd annual R in Pharma Conference Aug. 21st-23rd 2019 at Harvard University, Cambridge, US

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Workshop: Artificial neural networks in R with Keras and TensorFlow

Interested in a walk-through of this workshop?

Please feel free to get in touch. This workshop was created and hosted by Leon Eyrich Jessen.


This is the GitHub repository for the Workshop: “Artificial neural networks in R with Keras and TensorFlow” at The second annual R/Pharma conference held August 21, 22, and 23, 2019, Harvard University, Cambridge, US

Everything you need to know can be found at the RStudio page on R Interface to TensorFlow. Here you can also find more on keras, with examples and invited blog posts

Getting started - Complete the following 10 easy steps, to be able to run the workshop

  1. Go to https://rstudio.cloud/ (Create an account if you do not have one)
  2. Find the button “New Project” and click the arrow down symbol
  3. Choose “New Project from Git Repo”
  4. In the “URL of your Git repository”, enter https://github.com/leonjessen/RPharma2019 and click “OK”
  5. “Deploying Project” will now appear and after some time a new session is loaded
  6. Name your project in the upper left corner, where it says “Your Workspace / Untitled Project <- Click to name you project”
  7. In the lower right pane, you will now see all the workshop materials
  8. Run the following commands in the console (left pane) to setup software environment:
  1. Return to https://github.com/leonjessen/RPharma2019, find and follow “Schedule Wednesday August 21st 2019”
  2. Have fun!

Schedule Wednesday August 21st 2019

At the workshop, the aim is to briefly introduce the participants to the theory of artificial neural networks and the follow this up with a series of interchanging brief talks and longer exercises aiming at building inital hands on experience. The schedule is as follows:

(Please note the html preview currently seem not be functioning. All slides are available under ‘Talks’ in your RStudio session. Left-click on the .html file and choose ‘View in Web Browser’)

Additional Resources

