

Akella Saket

I am Akella Saket from Vizag, Andhra Pradesh,fresher at Amrita School of Engineering(ECE 2022)

Tasks List Description Status
Task-00 Installing Ubuntu Completed
Task-01 Staring amFOSS repositories Completed.
Task-02 Terminal Hunt Completed.
Task-03 Programming Attempted 3 Questions.
Task-04 Cinebot Completed.
Task-05 Find the Bug Completed.
Task-06 Flame Game Completed.
Task-07 GOWasm Attempted(partially done)
Task-08 Internet Explorer Completed.
Task-09 Cryptoscrpaer(Rust lang) Completed.
Task-10 CS50 Not Attempted(left the last question).
Task-11 Figma not Attempted
Task-12 Bunny heist Not attempted.
Task-13 Circuit Design(Arduino) Not attempted.
Task-14 Bandit Not attempted.
Task-15 Project Euler Attempted(done with 3 ques).

My views about the tasks

I would say the tasks are pretty basic if you know basics of the repective language or the field, but again I have not attempted and completed all the 15 tasks so i feel the tasks were of medium difficulty level. One thing I would coin is that the amount of exposure and knowledge I gained in this phase of solving tasks was impeccable and I will try to continue the same despite the completion of tasks, I feel leraning new things has been the "new normal" for me. These tasks have played a significant role in developing my self-learning skills.

My Introduction

Hello seniors..!!I'm Akella Saket from Vizag, a district in Andhra Pradesh.i have always been a coding enthusiasist even though I have very less knowledge about it, when i first heard about foss i had this sudden urge of joining it as i felt it would be a guiding platform for me to pursue my passion. Ive always worked hard with compassion and it is my will and determination that drives me towards my goal.