
These are the answers for C and Python programs in codetantra.

Primary LanguageC

Codetantra Answers

This repository contains the solutions for some codetantra test cases related to C and Python.

Solutions for the following problems are provided:


Arrays with Pointers - Hard

  1. cycleSwap.c
  2. permutations.c

Arrays with Pointers - Medium

  1. compoPrime.c
  2. searching.c
  3. searching1.c
  4. swap.c

Arrays with Pointers - Easy

  1. PointersWithArrays4a.c
  2. compoPrime.c
  3. mean.c
  4. searching.c
  5. stringLen.c

Two-dimensional Arrays - Hard

  1. sparsematrix_arrays.c

Two-dimensional Arrays - Medium

  1. frequency.c
  2. frequency1.c
  3. interchange.c
  4. symmetric.c
  5. uniformity.c

Two-dimensional Arrays - Easy

  1. NegativeElementsCount.c
  2. NonDiagonals.c
  3. ascendingSort.c
  4. readPrint.c
  5. upperTriangle.c

Strings - Hard

  1. AcmTeam.c
  2. AppendAndDelete.c
  3. CTC40.c

Strings - Medium

  1. chars_remove.c

Strings - Easy

  1. CTC1566.c
  2. Program610.c
  3. ReverseOfString.c

Fuctions - Hard

  1. FuctionsExample9.c

Fuctions - Medium

  1. FunctionsExample3a.c
  2. FunctionsExample7a.c
  3. Program703a.c

Fuctions - Easy

  1. FunctionsWithArrays2.c
  2. Printfscanf.c
  3. Program713a.c
  4. Program910a.c
  5. fibonacci.c
  6. sumOfArray.c


Python data structures - Easy

  1. Tuple12.py
  2. merging.py
  3. Tuple13.py
  4. Tuple14.py
  5. StringTest9.py
  6. StringTest10.py

Python data structures - Medium

  1. MaxMinOfDict.py
  2. SetMemb.py
  3. occurrences.py

Python data structures - Hard

  1. Tuple8.py
  2. noofcharacters.py

Arrays in Python - Easy

  1. List7.py
  2. List6.py
  3. List4.py
  4. Lab11a.py

Arrays in Python - Medium

  1. Lab3c.py
  2. mergeList1.py

Arrays in Python - Hard

  1. Lab10a.py
  2. Lab10b.py
  3. Listsumsqnum.py
  4. Secondmaxandmin.py