
This repository contains implementation of malloc and free library calls using the sbrk syscall, and a server client application that uses these newly implemented malloc and free libraries and performs server-client communication via POSIX shm using hashtable data structure to store the data.

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Implementaiton of Malloc and Free & Server Client application using POSIX shm

This repository contains implementation of

  1. malloc and free libraries using sbrk system call

    • This can be found inside the folder /memory
    • memory.c contains the implementation of the library calls malloc_new() and free_new()
    • memory/main.c contains code to test the library calls
    • memory folder also contains its own Makefile running which, user can build libraries for malloc_new() and free_new(), and as well as compile main.c
  2. Server Client application using POSIX shm

    • User can build the application using make command

    • server.c contains code for implementation of server

      • server reads data from client via shared shm and performs either one of the following operations:

        1. insert data into hashtable
        2. remove data from hashtable
        3. read data from
      • running server

        ./server -s 20
        1. command line parameter -s specifies the size of the hashtable that server holds during execution
    • client.c contains code for implementation of client

      • client sends data to server via shared shm. It can request to insert the data, read the data, or delete the data from hashtable.

      • running client

        ./client -o <operation> -k <key> -v <value>'
        1. parameter -o accepts PUT, GET, DELETE values. It represents the operation type client wants server to perform
        2. parameter -k passes the key
        3. parameter -v passes the value (required: when -o is PUT, optional: remaining time)
      • Example:

        ./client -o PUT -k 10 -v 20

        this command requests server to insert key value pair (10,20) into the hash table

      • Note: The client is parameter position sensitive, that is the command line arguments need to be in the order -o, -k and -v