We will import DATA from 'Hiking' TABLE created on HBase.
# Hive startup commande
# show TABLES in Hive
# Hive shutdown
The syntax to Create TABLE :
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE table_name(key String, col1 string, col2 int...)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping"=":key,columnFamily:colx...") #columnFamily:col in HBase
TBLPROPERTIES("hbase.table.name"="table_name"); #TABLE in HBase
For each family column in HBase, We will create TABLE in Hive
# import and create external table InfoTechnique
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE InfoTechnique(key int,distance float, Altitude int)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping"=":key,infoTechnique:distance,infoTechnique:Altitude")
# import and create external table InfoTechnique
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE infoHiking(key INT,name STRING, region STRING, suiteHiking INT)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("hbase.columns.mapping"=":key,infoHiking:name,infoHiking:region,infoHiking:suiteHiking")
TBLPROPERTIES ("hbase.table.name" = "hiking");
get from TABLE hiking 4 :
SELECT info.key ,info.name ,info.region, tech.distance, tech.Altitude, info.suiteHiking
FROM InfoTechnique tech
FULL JOIN InfoHiking info ON (tech.key = info.key)
WHERE info.key=4;
get InfoHiking of hiking 5 :
SELECT key, name, region, suiteHiking
FROM InfoHiking info
WHERE key=5;
get the distance of the hiking 'Murdjadu Mountain' :
SELECT tech.distance
FROM InfoTechnique tech FULL
JOIN InfoHiking info ON (tech.key = info.key)
WHERE info.name='Montagne de Murdjadju';
get the distance of the hiking in the region of 'Tizi Ouzou' :
SELECT tech.distance FROM InfoTechnique tech
FULL JOIN InfoHiking info ON (tech.key = info.key)
WHERE info.region='Tizi Ouzou';