
This repository houses a real-time chat application built with React, Node.js, and Socket.io. It empowers users with instant messaging and updates, presenting a responsive and intuitive interface. Users can seamlessly share images, videos, and audio files. The project is designed for scalability and includes secure authentication mechanisms.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Introduction 🌟

The Chatzo is a real-time communication platform designed to facilitate seamless interactions between users. It provides features such as user registration, friend management, group creation, messaging, and an admin dashboard for monitoring activities.

Table of Contents 📋

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Technologies Used
  4. Project Setup
  5. Contributing
  6. Troubleshooting
  7. Deployment


  1. User Registration/Login 🚪:

    • User registration and login process are designed to be seamless and secure. Users can create accounts with personalized profiles and log in securely to access the platform's features.
    • Secure account creation, personalized profiles, and seamless login.
  2. Authentication & Authorization 🔒:

    • Prioritize security with secure authentication using JWT tokens. Our authorization system ensures that users access only the features they are authorized to use.
    • Secure authentication, authorization controls.
  3. Real-time Request Notifications 📩:

    • Users receive real-time notifications when they send friend requests to other users. This feature enhances user experience by providing immediate feedback on request status.
    • Real-time notifications, request status feedback.
  4. Friend Management 👫:

    • Friend management system enables users to send and accept friend requests, manage their friend list, and cultivate meaningful connections within the community.
    • Friend requests, friend list organization, fostering connections.
  5. Real-time Messaging 💬:

    • Experience instant and immersive conversations with real-time messaging. Our platform supports text, multimedia attachments, and ensures smooth communication.
    • Instant messaging, multimedia support, seamless communication.
  6. File Uploads 📁:

    • Seamlessly upload and share attachments with our Cloudinary integration. Users can upload images, videos, documents, and other files directly within conversations.
    • Cloudinary integration, file sharing capabilities.
  7. Group Creation 🌐:

    • Create groups based on shared interests, projects, or social circles. Customize group settings, add or remove members, and collaborate effectively within groups.
    • Customizable groups, collaborative features, effective
  8. Admin Dashboard 📊:

    • Admin dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of user activities, messages, and chats. Admins can monitor interactions, track trends, and ensure a safe environment for all users.
    • Monitoring tools, trend tracking, safety management.
  9. Data Validation 🛡️:

    • Ensure data integrity and security with input validation and sanitization for API endpoints. Users' data is validated and sanitized to prevent vulnerabilities and ensure accuracy.
    • Data integrity, security measures.
  10. Error Handling ❗:

    • Platform employs comprehensive error handling with descriptive messages. Users receive clear feedback and guidance in case of errors or issues.
    • Descriptive error messages, user guidance.
  11. Logging 📝:

    • Detailed logging system tracks application events for debugging and monitoring purposes. Admins and developers gain insights into system performance and user interactions.
    • Event logging, system insights.
  12. Security 🔐:

    • Implement best practices for data security and privacy, prioritizing user trust and confidentiality. Our platform adheres to industry standards for data protection.
    • Data security, privacy standards.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • React: Frontend framework for building UI components.
    • Material-UI: Design system for responsive and visually appealing interfaces.
    • Redux Toolkit: State management library for managing app-wide state.
    • Framer Motion: Animation library for interactive UI elements.
    • Socket.io: Real-time communication for instant messaging.
  • Backend:

    • Node.js: Backend runtime environment.
    • Express: Web framework for building RESTful APIs.
    • Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for data management.
    • Socket.io: Real-time communication for instant messaging.
    • Cloudinary: Cloud storage for handling file uploads.
    • Express Validator: Middleware for API validation.
  • Database:

    • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user data, messages, and groups.

Project Setup

Refer following for run this project


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


If you encounter any issues with the application, contact sakibdevlekar96@gmail.com for assistance.


You can access the deployed version of Chatzo at the following link: Chatzo Live

To access the live Chatzo application:

  1. Visit Chatzo Live.
  2. Sign up or log in to your account.
  3. Explore the features and functionalities of Chatzo in real-time!