Bangla Writing in Overleaf

  1. Create an account in overleaf & then log in.

In this work, to write in bangla Avro phonetic open-source keyboard software is being used. Avro is developed by OmicronLab. To write in overleaf, one can use any font from OmicronLab. Font link is here. There are several fonts like Kalpurush, Siyamrupali etc. Download any one of the fontfile like kalpurush.ttf, siyamrupali.ttf.

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  1. Create a new project in overleaf, then add the following document packages-
 \usepackage{fontspec} // package for font
 \usepackage{graphicx} // package for images
 \usepackage{amsmath} // package for mathematical experssions
 \graphicspath{{images/}} // all images are uploaded in a folder named *images* , you can name it anything
 \usepackage{caption} // package for image caption
 \usepackage{tabu} // package for table
 \usepackage{cite} // package for hyperlink
 \setmainfont{Times New Roman} // font is used here Times New Roman

  1. Upload the font file in blank project like kalpurish.ttf or siyamrupali.ttf. You can also download them from this repository. Now write this line on project
\newfontface{\bn}{kalpurush.ttf} // if you use kalpurush font then write kalpurush.ttf otherwise it should be siyamrupali.ttf

  1. Then from the Menu section change the compiler to Xelatex and keep everything like this

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You will find a writing in Demo-Writing branch

Enjoy Writing in Bangla