Restaurant Reservation System

This back-end API application for a Restaurant Reservation System is built using Spring and especially Spring Boot.

It is a RESTful Web Service with provided endpoints (resources) that are consumed from restaurant-frontend, the front-end of this application.

Services and business logic

In this application, users can be registered and logged in their accounts. In addition, they can search for a restaurant in their city, make a reservation and a review for this restaurant. They can also see older reservations and plan the future ones for their company. Restaurant's owners can post restaurant's menu and open hours. They come in contact with customers for additional services.

Running the application

In order to run the application first git clone the repository in a local repository in your PC. For database, you have to install MySQL Server 8 and configure the application local in your computer.

Connecting the application with the database you have to declare some variables in the file.



In the above script they properties are stored in environment variable and Spring reads them from operating system.

However, replace the ${JAVA_REST_DB} with database name for your application. ${JAVA_REST_USER} with a username that has owner roles for this database, ${JAVA_REST_PASSWORD} the password for this user. The following configuration is regarding MySQL drivers and Hibernate.

In addition, in order to not create the database each time it is running you could replace spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=create with spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update

The last configured variable is referred to JWT secret key for generating the token.

Recommended Versions

Recommended Reference Notes
Amazon Correto JDK 11 Download Java 11 is required for Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2.7.
MySQL Community Server 8.0+ Download For database server it is used the MySQL Community Server version 8 or older.
Gradle 8.6 or higher Setting up Gradle or Maven when creating a new project with Intellij IDEA


Using Spring Boot 2.7 and setting up the Gradle file the following dependencies with versions are installed:

  1. spring-boot-starter-data-jpa:2.7.15
  2. spring-boot-starter-security:2.7.15
  3. spring-boot-starter-web:2.7.15