
This project is a classic Library Management System. The application is created using Python Programming Language. This application uses Command Line Interface. Most of the modules are Python's inbuilt modules apart from pwinput. The functionality of the librarian and the students are mentioned in the below bullet points.

How to execute?

Go inside scripts folder and run the file.

Project Complexity

Based upon the building experience, I would rate it as Easy. Anyone who is learning Python or has learnt Python but want to build something can build this.

Python Modules Used

  1. csv
  2. datetime
  3. os
  4. pwinput (external)

Librarian Functionalities

  1. Login
  2. Register
  3. View Books
  4. Add Book
  5. Update Book
  6. Remove Book

Student Functionalities

  1. Login
  2. Register
  3. De-register
  4. View Books
  5. Borrow Books
  6. Return Books
  7. Check Fines