Infinite Scroll Demo

A simple React JS + Appwrite project to demonstrate infinite scroll paging.



Run locally

  1. Install Appwrite by following the installation guide.

  2. Open the Appwrite console and create a new project.

  3. Navigate to Database and add a new Collection called Photos.

  4. Add the following rules and permissions:


Label Key Type Required Array Default Value
Username username Text true false
Avatar avatar URL true false
Location location Text false false
Image imageUrl URL true false


Read Access: *

Write Access: *

  1. Clone this repo
  git clone
  cd infinite-scroll-demo
  1. Install dependencies
  npm install
  1. From the Appwrite console, note down the API Endpoint, Project ID and Collection ID of the Photos Collection and enter these in src/config.js.

  2. The project is ready to run! 🚀

  npm start
