OpenID Connect for W3C Verifiable Credential Objects


This specification defines an extension of OpenID Connect to allow presentation of claims in the form of W3C Verifiable Credentials as part of the protocol flow in addition to claims provided in the id_token and/or via Userinfo responses.


  • Oliver Terbu (ConsenSys Mesh)
  • Torsten Lodderstedt (
  • Kristina Yasuda (Microsoft)
  • Adam Lemmon (Trybe.ID)
  • Tobias Looker (Mattr)



A set of one or more claims made by an issuer. (see

Verifiable Credential

A verifiable credential is a tamper-evident credential that has authorship that can be cryptographically verified. Verifiable credentials can be used to build verifiable presentations, which can also be cryptographically verified. The claims in a credential can be about different subjects. (see


Data derived from one or more verifiable credentials, issued by one or more issuers, that is shared with a specific verifier. (see

Verified Presentation

A verifiable presentation is a tamper-evident presentation encoded in such a way that authorship of the data can be trusted after a process of cryptographic verification. Certain types of verifiable presentations might contain data that is synthesized from, but do not contain, the original verifiable credentials (for example, zero-knowledge proofs). (see

W3C Verifiable Credential Objects

Both verifiable credential and verifiable presentation


This specification extends OpenID Connect with support for presentation of claims via W3C Verifiable Credentials. This allows existing OpenID Connect RPs to extends their reach towards claims sources asserting claims in this format. It also allows new applications built using Verifiable Credentials to utilize OpenID Connect as integration and interoperability layer towards credential holders.

This specification supports two ways to present Verifiable Credentials. Its is possible to provide the RP directly with a Verificable Credential or to use a Verifiable Presentation.

The Verifiable Credential (VC) can be used to assert claims towards a Verifier under some circumstances. Either the credential is a bearer credential, i.e. it is not bound to a certain secret that requires proof of control when presenting the credential, or the link between the subject of the credential and the presenter of the credential can be established by other means, e.g. by proofing control over the subject's DID in the same process.

Verifiable Presentations (VP) are used to present claims along with cryptographic proofs of the link between presenter and subject of the verifiable credentials it contains. A verifiable presentation can contain a subset of claims asserted in a certain credential (selective disclosure) and it can assemble claims from different credentials.

There are two credential formats to VCs and VPs: JSON or JSON-LD. There are also two proof formats to VCs and VPs: JWT and Linked Data Proofs. Each of those formats has different properties and capabilites and each of them comes with different proof types. Proof formats are agnostic to the credential format chosen. However, the JSON credential format is commonly used with JSON Web Signatures ( JSON-LD is commonly used with different kinds of Linked Data Proofs and JSON Web Signatures (

This specification defines standard claims to allow implementations to support all beforementioned assertion and proof formats. These claims can be used with any OpenID Connect Flows: as JWTs such as ID tokens, or as sets of JSON claims such as UserInfo Endpoint responses.

Use Cases

Verifier accesses Wallet via OpenID Connect

A Verifier uses OpenID Connect to obtain verifiable presentations. This is a simple and mature way to obtain identity data. From a technical perspective, this also makes integration with OAuth-protected APIs easier as OpenID Connect is based on OAuth.

Existing OpenID Connect RP integrates SSI wallets

An application currently utilizing OpenID Connect for accessing various federated identity providers can use the same protocol to also integrate with emerging SSI-based wallets. Thats an conveient transition path leveraging existing expertise and protecting investments made.

Existing OpenID Connect OP as custodian of End-User Credentials

An existing OpenID Connect may extends its service by maintaining credentials issued by other claims sources on behalf of its customers. Customers can mix claims of the OP and from their credentials to fulfil authentication requests.

Federated OpenID Connect OP adds device-local mode

An extisting OpenID Connect OP with a native user experience (PWA or native app) issues Verifiable Credentials and stores it on the user's device linked to a private key residing on this device under the user's control. For every authentication request, the native user experience first checks whether this request can be fulfilled using the locally stored credentials. If so, it generates a presentations signed with the user's keys in order to prevent replay of the credential.

This approach dramatically reduces latency and reduces load on the OP's servers. Moreover, the user can identity, authenticate, and authorize even in situations with unstable or without internet connectivity.

Overview (JWT parameters extention)

W3C Verifiable Credentials specification defines two kinds of objects – Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations, and it also orthogonally defines two proof formats of these objects – JWT and Linked Data Proofs. Thus, there are four data types that different use cases could utilize.

This specification defines the following parameters to pass Verifiable Presentations or Verifiable Credentials signed as JWTs or using Linked Data Proofs:

  • vc_jwt: A claim whose value is a W3C Verifiable Credential object using the JWT representation, which is a JSON string. The claim’s value may also be an array of W3C Verifiable Credential objects using the JWT representation if the use case calls for multiple JWT VCs.

  • vp_jwt: A claim whose value is a W3C Verifiable Presentation object using the JWT representation, which is a JSON string. The claim’s value may also be an array of W3C Verifiable Presentation objects using the JWT representation if the use case calls for multiple JWT VPs.

  • vc_ldp: A claim whose value is a W3C Verifiable Credential object using the JSON-LD representation, which is a JSON object. The claim’s value may also be an array of W3C Verifiable Credential objects using the JSON-LD representation if the use case calls for multiple JSON-LD VCs.

  • vp_ldp: A claim whose value is a W3C Verifiable Presentation object using the JSON-LD representation, which is a JSON object. The claim’s value may also be an array of W3C Verifiable Presentation objects using the JSON-LD representation if the use case calls for multiple JSON-LD VPs.

These claims can be added to ID Tokens, Userinfo responses as well as Access Tokens and Introspection response. They MAY also be included as aggregated or distributed claims (see Section 5.6.2 of the OpenID Connect specification [OpenID]).

Note that above claims have to be distinguished from vp or vc claims as defined in JWT proof format. vp or vc claims contain those parts of the standard verifiable credentials and verifiable presentations where no explicit encoding rules for JWT exist. They are not meant to include complete verifiable credentials or verifiable presentations objects which is the purpose of the four claims defined in this specification.

This table shows the different combinations of covered by the claims defined in this specificaiton.

vc_jwt vp_jwt vc_ldp vp_ldp
Object included in the claim verifiable credential verifiable presentation verifiable credential verifiable presentation
Proof format on the object JWT JWT LD-Proof LD-Proof

Requesting W3C Verifiable Credential Objects

Requesting W3C Verifiable Credential Objects using the claims parameter

The next section illustrates how the claims parameter can be used for requesting verified presentations. It serves as a starting point to drive discussion about this aspect. There are other candidate approaches for this purpose. They will be evaluated as this draft evolves.

Requesting Verifiable Presentations

A Verifiable Presentation embedded in an ID Token is requested by adding a element vp_jwt or vp_ldp to the id_token top level element of the claims parameter. This element must contain the following element:

credential_types A string array containing a list of VC credential types the RP asks for. The OP shall respond with a presentation containing one credential of one of the listed types.


Here is a non-normative example with vp_jwt claim:


Note: DIF Presentation Exchange can also be sed to request W3C Verifiable Credentials Objects. Interoperability with claims parameter based requests is being discussed.

Requesting Verifiable Credentials

A Verifiable Credential embedded in an ID Token is requested by adding a element vc_jwt or vc_ldp to the id_token top level element of the claims parameter. This element must contain a credential_types sub element as defined above.

Note that OP would first encode VPs/VCs using the rules defined in the Verifiable Credential specification either in JWT format or JSON-LD format, before passing encoded VPs/VCs as vp_jwt, vp_ldp, vc_jwt, or vc_ldp parameters as JWT claims or as sets of JSON claims.


This section illustrates examples when W3C Verifiable Credentials objects are requested using claims parameter and returned inside ID Tokens.

Self-Issued OpenID Provider with Verifiable Presentation in ID Token

Below are the examples when W3C Verifiable Credentials are requested and returned inside ID Token as part of Self-Issued OP response. ID Token contains a vp_jwt or vp_ldp element with the Verifiable Presentation data. It can also contain vc_jwt or vc_ldp element with the Verifiable Credential data.

Authentication request

The following is a non-normative example of how an RP would use the claims parameter to request the vp_jwt claim in the id_token:

  HTTP/1.1 302 Found
  Location: openid://?

claims parameter (vp_jwt)

Below is a non-normative example of how the claims parameter can be used for requesting verified presentations signed as a JWT.

    "id_token": {
      "vp_jwt": {
        "credential_types": [""]

Authentication Response (vp_jwt)

Below is a non-normative example of ID Token that includes vp_jwt claim.

  "kid": "did:ion:EiC6Y9_aDaCsITlY06HId4seJjJ...b1df31ec42d0",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "ES256K"
      "kid": "c7298a61a6904426a580b1df31ec42d0",

Below is a non-normative example of a decoded Verifiable Presentation object that was included in vp_jwt. Note that vp is used to contain only "those parts of the standard verifiable presentation where no explicit encoding rules for JWT exist" [VC-DATA-MODEL]


claims parameter (vp_ldp)

Below is a non-normative example of how the claims parameter can be used for requesting verified presentations signed as Linked Data Proofs.

    "id_token": {
      "vp_ldp": {
        "credential_types": [""],
          "given_name": null,
          "family_name": null,
          "birthdate": null

Authentication Response (vp_ldp)

Below is a non-normative example of ID Token that includes vp_ldp claim.


Authorization Code Flow with Verifiable Presentation in ID Token (vp_jwt)

Below are the examples when W3C Verifiable Credentials are requested and returned inside ID Token as part of Authorization Code flow. ID Token contains a vp_jwt or vp_ldp element with the Verifiable Presentation data. It can also contain vc_jwt or vc_ldp element with the Verifiable Credential data.

Authentication Request

  GET /authorize?
    &nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj HTTP/1.1

Claims parameter (vp_jwt)

Below is a non-normative example of how the claims parameter can be used for requesting verified presentations signed as JWT.

      "vp_jwt": {
       "credential_types": [""]

Authentication Response

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Token Request

  POST /token HTTP/1.1
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW


Authentication Response (vp_ldp)

ID Token would be same as the example in the Self-Issued OP with Verifiable Presentation in ID Token, Authentication Response (vp_jwt) section.

Claims parameter (vp_ldp)

Below is a non-normative example of how the claims parameter can be used for requesting verified presentations signed as Linked Data Proofs.

      "vp_ldp": {
        "credential_types": [""]
          "given_name": null,
          "family_name": null,
          "birthdate": null

Authentication Response (vp_ldp)

ID Token would be same as the example in the Self-Issued OP with Verifiable Presentation in ID Token, Authentication Response (vp_ldp) section.

Authorization Code Flow with Verifiable Presentation returned from the UserInfo endpoint

Below are the examples when verifiable presentation is requested and returned from the UserInfo endpoint as part of OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow. UserInfo response contains a vp_jwt or vp_ldp element with the Verifiable Presentation data. It can also contain vc_jwt or vc_ldp element with the Verifiable Credential data.

Authentication Request

  GET /authorize?
    &nonce=n-0S6_WzA2Mj HTTP/1.1

Claims parameter (vp_jwt)

Below is a non-normative example of how the claims parameter can be used for requesting verified presentations signed as JWT.

      "vp_jwt": {
      "credential_types": [""]       
     "auth_time": {"essential": true},

Authentication Response

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

Token Request

  POST /token HTTP/1.1
  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW


Token Response

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "248289761001",
  "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
  "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
  "exp": 1311281970,
  "iat": 1311280970,
  "auth_time": 1615910535
UserInfo Response (vp_jwt)

Below is a non-normative example of a UserInfo Response that includes vp_jwt claim:

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Type: application/json

   "sub": "248289761001",
   "name": "Jane Doe",
   "given_name": "Jane",
   "family_name": "Doe",

JWT inside vp_jwt claim when decoded equals to a verifiable presentation in Self-Issued OP with Verifiable Presentation in ID Token, Authentication Response (vp_jwt) section.

Claims parameter (vp_ldp)

Below is a non-normative example of how the claims parameter can be used for requesting verified presentations signed as Linked Data Proofs.

      "vp_ldp": {
       "credential_types": [""]
          "given_name": null,
          "family_name": null,
          "birthdate": null
     "auth_time": {"essential": true},

Token Response

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "248289761001",
  "aud": "s6BhdRkqt3",
  "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
  "exp": 1311281970,
  "iat": 1311280970,
  "auth_time": 1615910535

UserInfo Response (vp_ldp)

Below is a non-normative example of a UserInfo Response that includes vp_ldp claim:

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Type: application/json

   "sub": "248289761001",
   "name": "Jane Doe",
   "given_name": "Jane",
   "family_name": "Doe",

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