Go Migration RnD

A research project to integrate migration tool golang-migrate/migrate with Gin framework, Gorm and mysql database.

Initial Steps

  • Download and Install dependency packages.
go mod download
  • Install golang-migrate CLI: https://github.com/golang-migrate/migrate/tree/master/cmd/migrate (preferred With Go toolchain versioned with tags mysql)
  • Add a .env file to root directory and add db configurations as in .env.example file.

Start Local Server

go run main.go

or for Hot reload


Create migrations

  • Run create_migration script as
./create_migration -i /path/to/migration/directory/ -n migration_file_name


./create_migration -i migrations/ -n create_books_table
  • Write SQL statements to reflect the models changes in migration_name.up.sql file
  • Write SQL statements to revert the database changes back to the state before migration in migration_name.down.sql file.

Run migrations

The migrations are runned automatically when the server is started. However, if you want to run migrations manually you can do it by running run_migrate script as

./run_migrate -d db_name -t mysql -u db_user -p db_password -H db_host -P db_port -i /path/to/migrations/directory [-c N]

Example: Run all migrations:

./run_migrate -d test-migration -t mysql -u root -p password -H -P 3306 -i migrations

Run 2 migrations:

./run_migrate -d test-migration -t mysql -u root -p password -H -P 3306 -i migrations -c 2

Down database migrations

Run down_migrate script as

./down_migrate -d db_name -t mysql -u db_user -p db_password -H db_host -P db_port -i /path/to/migrations/directory [-c N]

Example: Down all migrations:

./down_migrate -d test-migration -t mysql -u root -p password -H -P 3306 -i migrations

Down 2 migrations:

./down_migrate -d test-migration -t mysql -u root -p password -H -P 3306 -i migrations -c 2

Force migration

You may encounter a problem while down migrations or run migrations manually and might have to force the migration. In order to do so, run force_migrate script as

./force_migrate -d db_name -t mysql -u db_user -p db_password -H db_host -P db_port -i /path/to/migrations/directory -v version

Example: Force migration version 4:

./force_migrate -d test-migration -t mysql -u root -p password -H -P 3306 -i migrations -v 4


  • Dockerize the server.