
This repository contains the yaml files and test scripts to test all the traffic flows in an OVN-Kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OVN-Kubernetes Traffic Flow Test Scripts (ovn-kuber-traffic-flow-tests)

This repository contains the yaml files and test scripts to test all the traffic flows in an OVN-Kubernetes cluster.

Table of Contents

Different Traffic Flows Tested

  1. Pod to Pod traffic
    • Pod to Pod (Same Node)
    • Pod to Pod (Different Node)
  2. Pod to Host traffic
    • Pod to Host (Same Node)
    • Pod to Host (Different Node)
  3. Pod -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Pod Backend)
    • Pod to Cluster IP (Pod Backend - Same Node)
    • Pod to Cluster IP (Pod Backend - Different Node)
  4. Pod -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Host Backend)
    • Pod to Cluster IP (Host Backend - Same Node)
    • Pod to Cluster IP (Host Backend - Different Node)
  5. Pod -> NodePort Service traffic (Pod Backend)
    • Pod -> NodePort Service traffic (Pod Backend - Same Node)
    • Pod -> NodePort Service traffic (Pod Backend - Different Node)
  6. Pod -> NodePort Service traffic (Host Backend)
    • Pod -> NodePort Service traffic (Host Backend - Same Node)
    • Pod -> NodePort Service traffic (Host Backend - Different Node)
  7. Host to Pod traffic
    • Host to Pod (Same Node)
    • Host to Pod (Different Node)
  8. Host to Host traffic
    • Host to Host (Same Node)
    • Host to Host (Different Node)
  9. Host -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Pod Backend)
    • Host to Cluster IP (Pod Backend - Same Node)
    • Host to Cluster IP (Pod Backend - Different Node)
  10. Host -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Host Backend)
    • Host to Cluster IP (Host Backend - Same Node)
    • Host to Cluster IP (Host Backend - Different Node)
  11. Host -> NodePort Service traffic (Pod Backend)
    • Host -> NodePort Service traffic (Pod Backend - Same Node)
    • Host -> NodePort Service traffic (Pod Backend - Different Node)
  12. Host -> NodePort Service traffic (Host Backend)
    • Host -> NodePort Service traffic (Host Backend - Same Node)
    • Host -> NodePort Service traffic (Host Backend - Different Node)
  13. Cluster -> External Network
    • Pod -> External Network
    • Host -> External Network
  14. External Network -> Cluster IP Service traffic
    • External Network -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Pod Backend)
    • External Network -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Host Backend)
    • NOTE: External doesn't now about Cluster IP, so these tests are a NOOP.
  15. External Network -> NodePort Service traffic
    • External Network -> NodePort Service traffic (Pod Backend)
    • External Network -> NodePort Service traffic (Host Backend)
  16. Cluster -> Kubernetes API Server
    • Pod -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Kubernetes API)
    • Host -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Kubernetes API)
  17. External Network -> Cluster (multiple external GW traffic)
    • NOTE: Special Use-Case for customer - Not Implemented

Cluster Deployment

Upstream OVN-Kubernetes and KIND

To test with upstream OVN-Kubernetes and KIND:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes/contrib/
./kind.sh -ha -wk 4  -gm shared

With this KIND Cluster:

  • Nodes ovn-control-plane, ovn-worker and ovn-worker2 are master nodes.
  • Nodes ovn-worker3, ovn-worker4, ovn-worker5 and ovn-worker6 are worker nodes.

OVN-Kubernetes Running on OCP

Deploy OCP as normal.

In the SR-IOV Lab, the Nodes are as follows:

  • Nodes sriov-master-0, sriov-master-1 and sriov-master-2 are master nodes.
  • Nodes sriov-worker-0 and sriov-worker-1 are worker nodes.

Test Pod Deployment

Launch Test Pods

Test setup is as follows, create POD backed set of resources:

  • Run pod-backed 'client' (DaemonSet) on every node.
  • Run one instance of a pod-backed 'http-server'.
  • Create a ClusterIP Service for the pod-backed 'http-server' using NodePort 8080.
  • Create a NodePort Service for the pod-backed 'http-server' using NodePort 30080.
  • Run one instance of a pod-backed 'iperf-server'.
  • Create a ClusterIP Service for the pod-backed 'iperf-server' using NodePort 5201.
  • Create a NodePort Service for the pod-backed 'iperf-server' using NodePort 30201.

Create Host-POD backed set of resources:

  • Run host-backed 'client' (DaemonSet) on every node.
  • Run one instance of a host-backed 'http-server'.
  • Create a ClusterIP Service for the host-backed 'http-server' using NodePort 8081.
  • Create a NodePort Service for the host-backed 'http-server' using NodePort 30081.
  • Run one instance of a host-backed 'iperf-server'.
  • Create a ClusterIP Service for the host-backed 'iperf-server' using NodePort 5202.
  • Create a NodePort Service for the host-backed 'iperf-server' using NodePort 30202.

The script finds:

  • 'client' pod on the 'Same Node' as the pod-backed 'server'
  • 'client' pod on a 'Different Node' from the pod-backed 'server'
  • 'client' pod on the 'Same Node' as the host-pod-backed 'server'
  • 'client' pod on a 'Different Node' from the host-pod-backed 'server'

Once the 'client' pods (LOCAL and REMOTE, POD and HOST) and IP addresses have been collected, the script runs 'curl' commands in different combinations to test each of traffic flows.

To create all the pods and services ('client' DaemonSets, the different 'server' instances, and the ClusterIP and NodePort Services):

cd ~/src/ovn-kuber-traffic-flow-tests/


Pin Servers to Given Node

Each 'server' (pod backed and host-networked pod backed) needs to be on the same node. So the setup scripts use labels to achieve this. The default is to schedule the servers on the first worker node detected. If there is a particular node the 'server' pods should run on, for example on an OVS Hardware offloaded node, then use the following environment variable to force each 'server' pod on a desired node ('FT_' stands for Flow Test). NOTE: This needs to be set before the pods are launched.

FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE=ovn-worker4 \

-- OR --

export FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE=ovn-worker4

Pin Remote Client to Given Node

Along the same lines, the 'launch.sh' script creates a 'client' (pod backed and host-networked pod backed) on each worker node. The 'test.sh' script sends packets from the node on the same node the 'server' pods are running on (determined as described above) and a remote node (node 'server' pods are NOT running on). If there is a particular node that should be marked as the ' remote client' node, for example on an OVS Hardware offloaded node, then use the following environment variable to force the 'test.sh' script to pick as the desired node. NOTE: This needs to be set before the 'test.sh' script is run and can be changed between each test run.


-- OR --

export FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE=ovn-worker3

Limit Test to Only Host-Backed Pods

There may be scenarios where only Host-Backed pods need to be tested (i.e. running pods directly on the DPU). This can be accomplished using the FT_HOSTONLY variable. It is best to export this variable. 'launch.sh', 'test.sh' and 'cleanup.sh' all need to be in sync on the value of the FT_HOSTONLY variable. 'test.sh' and 'cleanup.sh' will try to detect if it was used on launch, but false positives could occur if pods are renamed or server pod failed to come up.

export FT_HOSTONLY=true"

Deploy With SR-IOV VFs

To use Flow-Test with SR-IOV VFs, settings need to be applied before 'launch.sh'. Flow-Test needs to know which nodes are running with SR-IOV NICs and needs to know the ResourceName used by SR-IOV Device Plugin (Flow-Test does not launch or touch SR-IOV Device Plugin). These settings are controlled with the following variables:

export FT_SRIOV_NODE_LABEL=network.operator.openshift.io/external-openvswitch"
export SRIOV_RESOURCE_NAME=openshift.io/mlnx_bf"

The default values (shown above) are the values used by OpenShift in a NVIDIA BlueField-2 deployment. If the default values don't work, apply any label to nodes running with SR-IOV NICs, and set the variable above. Example:

kubectl label nodes ovn-worker4 sriov-node=
kubectl label nodes ovn-worker5 sriov-node=

export FT_SRIOV_NODE_LABEL=sriov-node"
export SRIOV_RESOURCE_NAME=sriov_a"

Manage Namespace

By default, all objects (pods, daemonsets, services, etc) are created in the default namespace. This can be overwritten by using the FT_NAMESPACE variable. 'launch.sh', 'test.sh' and 'cleanup.sh' all need the same value set, so it is best to export this variable when using.

export FT_NAMESPACE=flow-test

Check Variable Settings

If you can't remember all the variable names, or to check if they were set in a particular window, use the --help option on each script:

./launch.sh --help

This script uses ENV Variables to control test. Here are few key ones:
  FT_HOSTONLY                - Only host network backed pods were launched, off by default.
                               Used on DPUs. It is best to export this variable. test.sh and
                               cleanup.sh will try to detect if it was used on launch, but
                               false positives could occur if pods are renamed or server pod
                               failed to come up. Example:
                                 export FT_HOSTONLY=true
  FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE         - Node to run server pods on. Must be set before launching
                               pods. Example:
                                 FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE=ovn-worker3 ./launch.sh
  FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE  - Node to use when sending from client pod on different node
                               from server. Example:
                                 FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE=ovn-worker4 ./test.sh

Default/Override Values:
  Launch Control:
    FT_HOSTONLY                        false
    FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE                 all
    FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE          first
  From YAML Files:
    NET_ATTACH_DEF_NAME                ftnetattach
    SRIOV_RESOURCE_NAME                openshift.io/mlnx_bf
    TEST_IMAGE                         quay.io/billy99/ft-base-image:0.7
    HTTP_NODEPORT_POD_SVC_PORT         30080
  Label Management:
    FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE                 all
    FT_SERVER_NODE_LABEL               ft.ServerPod
    FT_CLIENT_NODE_LABEL               ft.ClientPod
./test.sh --help

This script uses ENV Variables to control test. Here are few key ones:
  TEST_CASE (0 means all)    - Run a single test. Example:
                                 TEST_CASE=3 ./test.sh
  VERBOSE                    - Command output is masked by default. Enable curl output.
                                 VERBOSE=true ./test.sh
  IPERF                      - 'iperf3' can be run on each flow, off by default. Example:
                                 IPERF=true ./test.sh
  OVN_TRACE                  - 'ovn-trace' can be run on each flow, off by deafult. Example:
                                 OVN_TRACE=true ./test.sh
  FT_VARS                    - Print script variables. Off by default. Example:
                                 FT_VARS=true ./test.sh
  FT_NOTES                   - Print notes (in blue) where tests are failing but maybe shouldn't be.
                               On by default. Example:
                                 FT_NOTES=false ./test.sh
  CURL_CMD                   - Curl command to run. Allows additional parameters to be
                               inserted. Example:
                                 CURL_CMD="curl -v --connect-timeout 5" ./test.sh
  FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE  - Node to use when sending from client pod on different node
                               from server. Example:
                                 FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE=ovn-worker4 ./test.sh
  FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE         - Node to run server pods on. Must be set before launching
                               pods. Example:
                                 FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE=ovn-worker3 ./launch.sh

Default/Override Values:
  Test Control:
    TEST_CASE (0 means all)            0
    VERBOSE                            false
    FT_VARS                            false
    FT_NOTES                           true
./cleanup.sh --help

This script uses ENV Variables to control test. Here are few key ones:
  FT_HOSTONLY                - Only host network backed pods were launched, off by default.
                               Used on DPUs. It is best to export this variable. test.sh and
                               cleanup.sh will try to detect if it was used on launch, but
                               false positives could occur if pods are renamed or server pod
                               failed to come up. Example:
                                 export FT_HOSTONLY=true
  CLEAN_ALL                  - Remove all generated files (yamls from j2, iperf logs, and
                               ovn-trace logs). Default is to leave in place. Example:
                                 CLEAN_ALL=true ./cleanup.sh

Default/Override Values:
  Launch Control:
    FT_HOSTONLY                        false
    HTTP_SERVER_POD_NAME               ft-http-server-pod-v4
    CLEAN_ALL                          false
    FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE                 all
    FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE          first
  Label Management:
    FT_REQ_SERVER_NODE                 all
    FT_SERVER_NODE_LABEL               ft.ServerPod
    FT_CLIENT_NODE_LABEL               ft.ClientPod

Cleanup Test Pods

To teardown the test setup:

cd ~/src/ovn-kuber-traffic-flow-tests/


Several files are generated during test runs. For example, iperf3 output files, ovn-trace output files, and Pod and Service deployment YAML files (generated using j2). All these are described more below. The files are not deleted by default. To delete all the generated files, use CLEAN_ALL. To teardown the test setup:

cd ~/src/ovn-kuber-traffic-flow-tests/

CLEAN_ALL=true ./cleanup.sh

NOTE: This is especially important between updates of the repository, because this is still relatively new and there is still some churn on naming convention of everything.

Deployment Customization

This repository uses j2 to customize the YAML files used to deploy the Pods and Services. The following fields can be overridden by setting these variables (with their default values):




Test Script Usage

To run all the tests, simply run the script.

  • All the hard-coded values are printed to the screen when FT_VARS=true. The "Test Control", "OVN Trace Control" and "External Access" variables can be overwritten. If any of the "From YAML Files" variables are overwritten, the yaml files must also be updated before 'launch.sh' is called.
  • Then all the queried values, like Pod Names and IP addresses are printed.
  • Each test is run with actual command executed printed to the screen.
  • SUCCESS or FAILED is then printed.
$ FT_VARS=true ./test.sh

Default/Override Values:
  Test Control:
    TEST_CASE (0 means all)            1
    VERBOSE                            false
    FT_VARS                            true
    FT_NOTES                           true
    CURL                               true
    CURL_CMD                           curl -m 5
    IPERF                              true
    IPERF_CMD                          iperf3
    IPERF_TIME                         2
    OVN_TRACE                          false
    OVN_TRACE_CMD                      ./ovnkube-trace -loglevel=5 -tcp
    FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE          first
  OVN Trace Control:
    OVN_K_NAMESPACE                    ovn-kubernetes
    SSL_ENABLE                         -noSSL
  From YAML Files:
    CLIENT_POD_NAME_PREFIX             ft-client-pod
    http Server:
      HTTP_SERVER_POD_NAME             ft-http-server-pod-v4
      HTTP_SERVER_HOST_POD_NAME        ft-http-server-host-v4
      HTTP_CLUSTERIP_POD_SVC_NAME      ft-http-service-clusterip-pod-v4
      HTTP_CLUSTERIP_HOST_SVC_NAME     ft-http-service-clusterip-host-v4
      HTTP_NODEPORT_SVC_NAME           ft-http-service-nodeport-pod-v4
      HTTP_NODEPORT_HOST_SVC_NAME      ft-http-service-nodeport-host-v4
    iperf Server:
      IPERF_SERVER_POD_NAME            ft-iperf-server-pod-v4
      IPERF_SERVER_HOST_POD_NAME       ft-iperf-server-host-v4
      IPERF_CLUSTERIP_POD_SVC_NAME     ft-iperf-service-clusterip-pod-v4
      IPERF_CLUSTERIP_HOST_SVC_NAME    ft-iperf-service-clusterip-host-v4
      IPERF_NODEPORT_POD_SVC_NAME      ft-iperf-service-nodeport-pod-v4
      IPERF_NODEPORT_HOST_SVC_NAME     ft-iperf-service-nodeport-host-v4
    POD_SERVER_STRING                  Server - Pod Backend Reached
    HOST_SERVER_STRING                 Server - Host Backend Reached
    EXTERNAL_SERVER_STRING             The document has moved
  External Access:
    EXTERNAL_URL                       google.com
Queried Values:
  Pod Backed:
    SERVER_POD_NODE                    ovn-worker3
    LOCAL_CLIENT_NODE                  ovn-worker3
    LOCAL_CLIENT_POD                   ft-client-pod-76qlj
    REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE_LIST             ovn-worker4
    REMOTE_CLIENT_POD_LIST             ft-client-pod-566xj
    HTTP_NODEPORT_POD_SVC_PORT         30080
  Host backed:
    SERVER_HOST_NODE                   ovn-worker3
    LOCAL_CLIENT_HOST_NODE             ovn-worker3
    LOCAL_CLIENT_HOST_POD              ft-client-pod-host-kttz2
    REMOTE_CLIENT_HOST_NODE_LIST       ovn-worker4
    REMOTE_CLIENT_HOST_POD_LIST        ft-client-pod-host-hp5r2

FLOW 01: Typical Pod to Pod traffic (using cluster subnet)

*** 1-a: Pod to Pod (Same Node) ***

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-76qlj -- curl -m 5 ""

*** 1-b: Pod to Pod (Different Node) ***
kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-566xj -- curl -m 5 ""

FLOW 02: Pod -> Cluster IP Service traffic

*** 2-a: Pod -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Same Node) ***

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-2twqq -- curl -m 5 ""


Below are some commonly used overrides:

  • If a single test needs to be run (this is at the FLOW level):
TEST_CASE=3 ./test.sh
  • For readability, the output of the curl is masked. This can be unmasked for debugging:
TEST_CASE=3 VERBOSE=true ./test.sh
  • iperf3 is disabled by default. To enable and change the timeout (in seconds and default is 10 seconds):
TEST_CASE=3 IPERF=true IPERF_TIME=2 ./test.sh
  • ovnkube-trace is disabled by default. To enable:
TEST_CASE=3 OVN_TRACE=true ./test.sh
  • To run on ovnkube-trace on OCP:
TEST_CASE=3 OVN_TRACE=true SSL_ENABLE=" " OVN_K_NAMESPACE=openshift-ovn-kubernetes ./test.sh
  • There are a couple of sub-FLOWs that are skipped because they are not applicable, like External to Service ClusterIP. So there are some test-case notes (in blue font) for those, for example:

*** 14-a: External Network -> Cluster IP Service traffic (Pod Backend) ***

curl SvcClusterIP:NODEPORT curl -m 5 "" Test Skipped - SVCIP is only in cluster network

To turn off all the test comments:

FT_NOTES=false ./test.sh


curl is used to test connectivity between pods and ensure a given flow is working. curl is enabled by default, but can be disabled using CURL=false.

$ TEST_CASE=1 ./test.sh

FLOW 01: Typical Pod to Pod traffic (using cluster subnet)

*** 1-a: Pod to Pod (Same Node) ***

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-2twqq -- curl -m 5 ""

*** 1-b: Pod to Pod (Different Node) ***

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-gc6dw -- curl -m 5 ""


iperf3 is used to test packet throughput. It can be used to determine the rough throughput of each flow. When enabled, iperf3 is run and a summary of the results is printed.

$ TEST_CASE=1 IPERF=true IPERF_TIME=2 ./test.sh

FLOW 01: Typical Pod to Pod traffic (using cluster subnet)

*** 1-a: Pod to Pod (Same Node) ***

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-2twqq -- curl -m 5 ""

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-2twqq -- iperf3 -c -p 5201 -t 2
Summary (see iperf-logs/1a-pod2pod-same-node.txt for full detail):
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
[  5]   0.00-2.00   sec  3.43 GBytes  14.7 Gbits/sec  334             sender
[  5]   0.00-2.04   sec  3.43 GBytes  14.4 Gbits/sec                  receiver

*** 1-b: Pod to Pod (Different Node) ***

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-gc6dw -- curl -m 5 ""

kubectl exec -it ft-client-pod-gc6dw -- iperf3 -c -p 5201 -t 2
Summary (see iperf-logs/1b-pod2pod-diff-node.txt for full detail):
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
[  5]   0.00-2.00   sec   633 MBytes  2.65 Gbits/sec    0             sender
[  5]   0.00-2.04   sec   632 MBytes  2.60 Gbits/sec                  receiver

When iperf3 is run on each sub-flow, the full output of the command is piped to files in the iperf-logs/ directory. Use VERBOSE=true to when command is executed to see full output command is run. Below is a list of sample output files:

$ ls -al iperf-logs
total 132
drwxrwxr-x. 2 user user 4096 Jun 10 16:46 .
drwxrwxr-x. 7 user user 4096 Jun 11 15:04 ..
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  624 Jun 10 16:51 01-a-pod2pod-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  624 Jun 10 16:51 01-b-pod2pod-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  622 Jun 10 16:51 02-a-pod2host-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  622 Jun 10 16:51 02-b-pod2host-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  624 Jun 10 16:51 03-a-pod2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  624 Jun 10 16:51 03-b-pod2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  628 Jun 10 16:51 04-a-pod2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  628 Jun 10 16:51 04-b-pod2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  624 Jun 10 16:51 05-a-pod2nodePortSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   48 Jun 10 16:51 05-b-pod2nodePortSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  624 Jun 10 16:51 06-a-pod2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   48 Jun 10 16:51 06-b-pod2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  623 Jun 10 16:51 07-a-host2pod-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  623 Jun 10 16:51 07-b-host2pod-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  621 Jun 10 16:52 08-a-host2host-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  621 Jun 10 16:52 08-b-host2host-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  623 Jun 10 16:52 09-a-host2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  623 Jun 10 16:52 09-b-host2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  627 Jun 10 16:52 10-a-host2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  627 Jun 10 16:52 10-b-host2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  623 Jun 10 16:52 11-a-host2nodePortSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   48 Jun 10 16:52 11-b-host2nodePortSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  623 Jun 10 16:52 12-a-host2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   48 Jun 10 16:52 12-b-host2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   42 Jun 10 16:52 13-a-pod2external.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   42 Jun 10 16:52 13-b-host2external.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   42 Jun 10 16:52 14-a-external2clusterIpSvc-podBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   42 Jun 10 16:52 14-b-external2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   42 Jun 10 16:52 15-a-external2nodePortSvc-podBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   42 Jun 10 16:53 15-b-external2nodePortSvc-hostBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   71 Jun  9 13:51 .gitignore

NOTE: The 'cleanup.sh' script does not remove these files and each subsequent run of 'test.sh' overwrites the previous test run. They can be removed manually or using CLEAN_ALL=true ./cleanup.sh.

An additional variable is supported when running iperf3 that allows the executable to be pinned to a CPU. The CPU Mask is calculated outside of Flow-Test and simply passed in and set by the script. Example:

FT_CLIENT_CPU_MASK=0x100 TEST_CASE=1 IPERF=true CURL=false ./test.sh


ovnkube-trace is a tool in upstream OVN-Kubernetes to trace packet simulations between points in ovn-kubernetes. When enabled, ovnkube-trace is run on each sub-flow and the output is piped to files in the ovn-traces/ directory. Below is a list of sample output files:

$ ls -al ovn-traces/
total 556
drwxrwxr-x. 2 user user  4096 Jun 10 16:46 .
drwxrwxr-x. 7 user user  4096 Jun 11 15:04 ..
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 17689 Jun 10 16:51 01-a-pod2pod-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 18703 Jun 10 16:51 01-b-pod2pod-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   196 Jun 10 16:51 02-a-pod2host-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user   196 Jun 10 16:51 02-b-pod2host-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 26265 Jun 10 16:51 03-a-pod2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 27279 Jun 10 16:51 03-b-pod2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 69785 Jun 10 16:51 04-a-pod2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 28060 Jun 10 16:51 04-b-pod2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 26240 Jun 10 16:51 05-a-pod2nodePortSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 27254 Jun 10 16:51 05-b-pod2nodePortSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 69772 Jun 10 16:51 06-a-pod2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 28048 Jun 10 16:51 06-b-pod2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  4833 Jun 10 16:51 07-a-host2pod-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  4833 Jun 10 16:51 07-b-host2pod-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    72 Jun 10 16:52 08-a-host2host-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    72 Jun 10 16:52 08-b-host2host-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 13072 Jun 10 16:52 09-a-host2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 13072 Jun 10 16:52 09-b-host2clusterIpSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  8439 Jun 10 16:52 10-a-host2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  8439 Jun 10 16:52 10-b-host2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 13047 Jun 10 16:52 11-a-host2nodePortSvc-podBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 13047 Jun 10 16:52 11-b-host2nodePortSvc-podBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  8427 Jun 10 16:52 12-a-host2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-sameNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user  8427 Jun 10 16:52 12-b-host2nodePortSvc-hostBackend-diffNode.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user 25670 Jun 10 16:52 13-a-pod2external.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    72 Jun 10 16:52 13-b-host2external.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    19 Jun 10 16:52 14-a-external2clusterIpSvc-podBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    19 Jun 10 16:52 14-b-external2clusterIpSvc-hostBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    19 Jun 10 16:52 15-a-external2nodePortSvc-podBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    19 Jun 10 16:53 15-b-external2nodePortSvc-hostBackend.txt
-rw-rw-r--. 1 user user    70 Apr 16 10:09 .gitignore

Examine these files to debug why a particular flow isn't working or to better understand how a packet flows through OVN-Kubernetes for a particular flow.

NOTE: The 'cleanup.sh' script does not remove these files and each subsequent run of 'test.sh' overwrites the previous test run. They can be removed manually or using CLEAN_ALL=true ./cleanup.sh.

Container Images

See docs/IMAGES.md for details on the container images used in this repo and how to rebuild them.


Test scripts have been setup to run in a Multi-Cluster environment. It has only been tested with Submariner and the clusters themselves need to already be running. For Multi-Cluster, Flow-Tester is deployed in one of two modes:

  • Full Mode: Normal deployment of Flow-Tester pods and services and all the Flow-Tester Services are exported.
  • Client-Only Mode: Only Client Pods are created, no Server Pods or Services.

For Multi-Cluster, the following scripts have been added:

  • 'mclaunch.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters and calls 'launch.sh'.
  • 'mctest.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters and calls 'test.sh'
  • 'mccleanup.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters and calls 'cleanup.sh'
  • 'mcpathtest.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters tests that a given client can reach the server via each combination of Gateways.

By default, the basic Flow-Tester deployment is launched in the "default" namespace, but can be overwritten using the FT_NAMESPACE environment variable. All the new Multi-Cluster scripts will use the namespace "flow-test" by default, unless FT_NAMESPACE is specifically set.


'mclaunch.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters and calls 'launch.sh', deploying Flow-Tester in either Full Mode, Client-Only Mode, or not at all. By default, Flow-Tester is deployed on all the clusters in Full Mode except the last cluster, which gets deployed in Client-Only Mode.


To control the mode of each cluster, use the following environment variables, each of which is a list of clusters or the value "all". "all" is the default and lets the script perform best effort. When an overlap exists, Full Mode wins.

   export FT_FULL_CLUSTERS="cluster1 cluster3"
   export FT_CO_CLUSTERS="cluster2 cluster4"


'mctest.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters and calls 'test.sh' if the cluster is in Client-Only Mode. The goal of the test is to test the traffic flow from a pod in one cluster to a ClusterIP Service in another cluster. Because no Server Pods or Services are created in Client-Only Mode, only ClusterIP Service and External tests will succeed and are all that are run by this script.


When using a remote service, the service must be full qualified (exported services use .clusterset.local whereas local services use .<ClusterName>.local). Example:


The 'mctest.sh' handles this by default, but if the qualifier needs to be changed, or a fully qualified Service needs to be tested on a single cluster deployment, the following environment variable can to be used to override:

   FT_SVC_QUALIFIER=".flow-test.svc.cluster1.local" ./test.sh

To get the DNS domain suffixes for the fully qualified service names, examine the /etc/resolv.conf of a pod in the cluster:

   kubectl exec -it -n flow-test ft-client-pod-m9bsr -- cat /etc/resolv.conf
    search flow-test.svc.cluster1.local svc.cluster1.local cluster1.local
    options ndots:5

In a single cluster environment, FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE is defaulted to first. This implies to choose the first Client Pod that is not on the same node as the Server Pod. In a multi-cluster environment, FT_REQ_REMOTE_CLIENT_NODE is defaulted to all, which causes the script to loop through all of the Client Pods that aren't on the same node as the Server Pod.


'mccleanup.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters and calls 'cleanup.sh' on each cluster Flow-Tester is deployed on.



'mcpathtest.sh' - Loops through all existing clusters searching for each cluster in Client-Only Mode (no Server Pods running). It then loops through each existing cluster and finds each cluster in Full Mode (with Server Pods running). So every "CO-Cluster" will send packets to every "Full Cluster".

                     cluster2 --> cluster1
                     (Client)     (Server)

                          (2)     (5)
                  +--------+       +--------+
                  | Clnt-Y |-------|        |
         (1)  +---|  GW-A  |       |  GW-D  |---+
 +--------+   |   |        |---+ +-|        |   |   +--------+
 |        |---+   +--------+   | | +--------+   +---|        |
 | Clnt-X |                  +-|-+                  | Server |
 |        |---+   +--------+ | |   +--------+   +---|        |
 +--------+   |   |        |-+ +---|        |   |   +--------+
              +---|  GW-B  |       |  GW-C  |---+
                  |        |-------|        |
                  +--------+       +--------+
                          (3)     (4)

It then analyses each cluster (CO and Full), finding the nodes the Gateways are on. GW-A and GW-B are on the CO Cluster. GW-C and GW-D are on the Full Cluster. There will always be a GW-A and GW-D. GWBC and GW-C may or may not be there depending on the deployment.

It then finds the node the Server is on. If the Server overlaps with a Gateway, it will always be labeled GW-D.

It then finds a Client Pod that is on a node of one of the Gateways (Clnt-Y). The Gateway with Clnt-Y will always be labeled GW-A. It then finds a Client Pod that is not on the same node as any of the Gateways (Clnt-X), if it exists.

It then modifies the multi-hop routes (routes used to load balance between Gateways) by removing one of the hops, which forces the packets through a given Gateway. The multi-hop routes are labeled (1) - (5). The script runs a Curl from the Host back Client Pod and Pod back Client Pod for Client-X to the exported Service. Then repeats for Clnt-Y. It then adjusts the routes and repeats until each of the following combination of paths are tested:

  • PATH 01: A-D -- D-A
  • PATH 02: A-D -- D-B
  • PATH 03: A-C -- C-A
  • PATH 04: A-C -- C-B
  • PATH 05: B-D -- D-B
  • PATH 06: B-D -- D-A
  • PATH 07: B-C -- C-B
  • PATH 08: B-C -- C-A

Once all the Paths have been tested, all the routes are restored and the script finds the next set of clusters to test.

To test all combinations (which is the default), use:


There are variables to control how the script runs:

  • 'TEST_PATH': Defaults to 0 (which means all). Set to a value 1 to 8 to only test a given path.
  • 'FT_CO_CLUSTER': Defaults to "" (which means all). Set to the cluster name if a Client-Only cluster to only test a given cluster.
  • 'FT_FULL_CLUSTER': Defaults to "" (which means all). Set to the cluster name if a Full cluster to only test a given cluster.
  • 'FT_DEBUG': Defaults to false. Set to true to debug the script.
  • 'PRINT_DBG_CMDS': Defaults to false. Set to true to print additional commands to aid in seeing packets flow through the Gateways.


$ PRINT_DBG_CMDS=true FT_FULL_CLUSTER=cluster1 FT_CO_CLUSTER=cluster2 TEST_PATH=4 ./mcpathtest.sh

Analyzing Clusters

Looping through Cluster List Analyzing ( entries):
 Analyzing Cluster 1: cluster1
  Broker is on cluster1
   Leaving Globalnet flag as false
 Analyzing Cluster 2: cluster2
  Broker not on cluster2
 Analyzing Cluster 3: cluster3
  Broker not on cluster3
 Analyzing Cluster 4: cluster4
  Broker not on cluster4

Looping through Cluster List, Test "Client Only" Clusters:

                     cluster2 --> cluster1
                     (Client)     (Server)

                          (2)     (5)
                  +--------+       +--------+
                  | Clnt-Y |-------|  Server|
         (1)  +---|  GW-A  |       |  GW-D  |
 +--------+   |   |        |---+ +-|        |
 |        |---+   +--------+   | | +--------+
 | Clnt-X |                  +-|-+
 |        |---+   +--------+ | |   +--------+
 +--------+   |   |        |-+ +---|        |
              +---|  GW-B  |       |  GW-C  |
                  |        |-------|        |
                  +--------+       +--------+
                          (3)     (4)

 Clnt-X: cluster2-worker3: ft-client-pod-vxxdd and ft-client-pod-host-wl52h
 Clnt-Y: cluster2-worker2: ft-client-pod-c4f6h and ft-client-pod-host-4hjx5
 GW-A:   cluster2-worker2
  docker exec -ti cluster2-worker2 /bin/bash
 GW-B:   cluster2-worker
  docker exec -ti cluster2-worker /bin/bash
 GW-C:   cluster1-worker2
  docker exec -ti cluster1-worker2 /bin/bash
 GW-D:   cluster1-worker
  docker exec -ti cluster1-worker /bin/bash
  apt-get update
  apt-get install -y tcpdump
  ip route list table all > iproutelist.orig
  tcpdump -neep -i any host
 Srvr:   SVC-Pod:  SVC-Host:
 Globalnet=false Server/ClientOverlap=true

PATH 04: A-C -- C-B

*** 4-a: Clnt-X to Service Endpoint:Port ***
    Clnt-X -> GW-A -> GW-C -> GW-D -> Svr  U  Svr -> GW-D -> GW-C -> GW-B -> Clnt-X

curl SvcClusterIP:SvcPORT (Pod Backend)
cluster2:cluster2-worker3 -> cluster1:cluster1-worker
kubectl exec -it -n flow-test ft-client-pod-vxxdd -- curl -m 5 ""

curl SvcClusterIP:SvcPORT (Host Backend)
cluster2:cluster2-worker3 -> cluster1:cluster1-worker
kubectl exec -it -n flow-test ft-client-pod-host-wl52h -- curl -m 5 ""

*** 4-b: Clnt-Y to Service Endpoint:Port ***
    Clnt-Y/GW-A -> GW-C -> GW-D -> Svr  U  Svr -> GW-D -> GW-C -> GW-B -> GW-A/Clnt-Y

curl SvcClusterIP:SvcPORT (Pod Backend)
cluster2:cluster2-worker2 -> cluster1:cluster1-worker
kubectl exec -it -n flow-test ft-client-pod-c4f6h -- curl -m 5 ""

curl SvcClusterIP:SvcPORT (Host Backend)
cluster2:cluster2-worker2 -> cluster1:cluster1-worker
kubectl exec -it -n flow-test ft-client-pod-host-4hjx5 -- curl -m 5 ""

FT_FULL_CLUSTER=cluster1 so skipping over cluster3
FT_CO_CLUSTER=cluster2 so skipping over cluster4

Switched to context "cluster1".