
[Bug]: Wander if "-t" opintion is avaliable.

Mikachu2333 opened this issue · 6 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues


The '-t'(thread)option has disappeared everywhere, and I would like to know if it is still avaliable

Expected behavior

No response

Library Version


Steps To Reproduce

No response

Anything else?

No response

And, I try to find the release note to see if it has been removed in new version but nothing was found.

And, --quiet flag is also disappeared...

In 0.9.0 release threads was removed because of new library, and I just forgot to include it back, sorry about that. This feature is implemented in unreleased 0.9.1 release with hotfixes

Thanks for timely answer! Besides, would the version 0.9.1 be released soon? If so, I will slightly postpone the release plan of my GUI version. If the time exceeds a week, I will currently release a small update

New release should be done in under one week
