- 4
[Bug]: How to build latest next
#269 opened by pepa65 - 0
- 0
[Bug]: err when using extremely special filename
#265 opened by Mikachu2333 - 1
resize cannot Maintain aspect ratio
#224 opened by zhaoyun0071 - 7
- 1
- 0
- 3
- 2
CLI progress bar spamming
#90 opened by Explorare - 4
[Bug]: Failed to convert tif to jpeg
#228 opened by Kosette - 2
[Bug]: `<FILES>...` cannot be used multiple times
#223 opened by lukehsiao - 5
[Feature]: add decoder fn new(bytes: impl Into<Vec<u8>>)
#212 opened by vuhe - 7
[Feature]: Improve args input
#220 opened by Mikachu2333 - 7
[Feature]: Question for Color Change
#221 opened by Mikachu2333 - 0
[Feature]: Add flag to preserve metadata
#211 opened by SalOne22 - 2
- 4
How can I run multiple files at once?
#206 opened by uhlhosting - 2
[Bug]: "webp": No such file or directory
#210 opened by chlorine3545 - 1
[Feature]: Better ReadMe for users new to rimage
#190 opened by Mikachu2333 - 1
[Feature]: Better help info
#191 opened by Mikachu2333 - 8
Add support for path-arg which end with "\"
#67 opened by Mikachu2333 - 4
[Bug]: The `-q` option doesn't take effect for jpegxl
#137 opened by Kosette - 21
[Feature]: New command line interface
#175 opened by SalOne22 - 2
[Feature]: -r opinion improve
#171 opened by Mikachu2333 - 4
[Feature]: Remove unused features.
#152 opened by Mikachu2333 - 2
[Bug]: Could not change size of pics
#153 opened by Mikachu2333 - 7
- 10
- 5
[Bug]: jxl output file is 0kb
#133 opened by Mikachu2333 - 1
[Bug]: `Decoder` assumes wrong format
#143 opened by CHE1RON - 3
[Feature]: Preserve EXIF information for photos
#135 opened by Mikachu2333 - 5
[Bug]: Ver0.9.1 has been released but couldn't find the executable file in Release page
#127 opened by Mikachu2333 - 3
- 0
[Feature]: Suggestions about README file
#124 opened by Mikachu2333 - 6
[Bug]: Wander if "-t" opintion is avaliable.
#123 opened by Mikachu2333 - 3
- 1
Please update MozJPEG
#115 opened by kornelski - 1
- 4
- 2
- 2
Custom Output Directory
#50 opened by echocrow - 1
AVIF Support
#18 opened by SalOne22 - 1
WebP Support
#19 opened by SalOne22 - 1
- 1
Command line interface
#25 opened by SalOne22 - 1
#24 opened by SalOne22 - 1
PNG Support
#22 opened by SalOne22 - 1
Image quantization
#21 opened by SalOne22 - 1
MozJPEG Support
#20 opened by SalOne22 - 1
OxiPNG Support
#23 opened by SalOne22