
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Create a simple content management system that allows users to add, delete, or update books. Books entered in the system can be viewed in a listing, or searched for using basic searches (title, author, genre).


Creating this web application will provide exposure to:

-Express (or other web framework)


-Simple relational database interactions (Create, Read, Update, Delete), with SQL practice

-Simple server side templating (to render data retrieved from the database)


  • Books entered in the system are listed on the home page, in pages of 10

  • Users can search for books by title OR by author OR by genre, and search results will be presented in a new page

  • Users can view book details from the listing or search pages

  • Mobile responsive

Stretch Goals

  • Any user can add books into the system


  • The artifact produced is properly licensed, preferably with the MIT license.

Quality Rubric

  • Code is well formatted without any linting errors

  • Variables, functions, css classes, etc. are meaningfully named (no comments exist in code to explain functionality - the names serve that function)

  • Functions are small and serve a single purpose

  • Code is well organized into a meaningful file structure

  • Interface is user friendly


Model -


Our Schema