
Guide for Learners


"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all." ~ Oscar Wilde

Learners Guild Playbook


Learners Guild's purpose is a dignified livelihood for everyone. Our mission is to create the opportunity for anyone who is willing and able to become a software developer to do so.

We are working to build a purpose driven organization, and a thriving learning culture. That's an easy thing to want and say, but it's difficult to practice. It takes active effort to articulate our guiding principles, and our values, and to live them day to day.

This repository contains all our agreements, policies, operating models, values and guiding principles. It is meant to be a living and dynamic support of the way we are working and learning together. As a learning organization, we anticipate changes will be made to this playbook in the future and reserve the right to amend, revise and/or withdraw parts of it. All feedback and suggestions (especially in the form of pull requests) are very appreciated. This is a work in progress that we hope will get better with more time and more contributors.

Each learner is responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with this playbook. Our goal is to work together towards a learning environment that is constructive and supports both personal and professional growth.

As a collective each member takes on two objectives:

  • Objective 1: Create and sustain a dignified livelihood as a software developer.
  • Objective 2: Cultivate a learning collective that supports me and others in achieving Objective 1.

Learning Operating System

The LOS is a game-enhanced learning environment for engaging in cognitive apprenticeship. It's the framework that supports us in achieving the first objective.

The main way that enrolled learners engage with the LOS is through Echo.

To read more about the Learning OS, visit the Game Manual section of the playbook.

Culture Operating System

Our learning environment is self-organizing, rigorously goal-driven, and personally and professionally rewarding. A powerful, positive culture is the strongest, most pervasive support structure a learning community can have.

While this playbook provides a framework by which we learn together, the Culture Operating System enables us to participate in co-creating a culture that draws out the best in us.

The Cultural OS defines the components of our shared culture and the processes by which members of the learning collective can shape it. It's the framework that supports us in achieving the second objective.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.