- What is Luna
- Overview
- Architecture
- Microservices
- Getting Started
- Test
- Further Development and Architecture
- Frameworks Used
- Development Tools
- Fun Qoutes
Luna is a fictitious financial services and software as a service company, with offices around the globe. The company primarily offers payment processing software and application programming interfaces for e-commerce websites and mobile applications.
Luna is an Italian and Spanish given name of Latin origin. It means Moon in English.
Luna is aiming higher in 2022, and embarking on a ambitious project to modernise their payment platform, by designing it be as API first platform and delivering value with their API to enterprise developer partners.
As the new payment platform is designed to be API First and RESTful, Luna's engineering team has decided to implement a microservices-based architecture which uses most common cloud native technologies (cloud-agnostic approach, containerization mechanism, container orchestration and so on) for this platform.
At Luna, the engineering team tried to tackle this challenge by adapting following design approach and mindset,
We are being mindful of the decisions we are making and making sure to communicate our intent clearly and consistently. Arbitrary decisions made in a rush frequently come back to bite, when those decisions lead to developer confusion.
If we can’t describe what developers want to do with our API, they won’t know what we’re expecting, and we won’t have any guiding vision to drive the development of the API.
We are standing on the shoulders of giants. There’s no shame in cribbing from a successful API to make the experience of our developers that much more consistent and easy.
Although the focus of this application is on REST API, it’s important to keep a critical eye on the development to make sure that idealism isn’t trumping usability.
Again, it’s worth reiterating here that a great developer experience is the number one way to ensure success for our API.
One of the key principles in employing a microservices-based architecture is Divide and Conquer. The decomposition of the system into discrete and isolated subsystems communicating over well-defined protocols.
Isolation is a prerequisite for resilience and elasticity and requires asynchronous communication boundaries between services to decouple them in,
- Time
- Allowing concurrency
- Space
- Allowing distribution and mobility—the ability to move services around
When adopting Microservices, it is also essential to eliminate shared mutable state and thereby minimize coordination, contention and coherency cost, as defined in the Universal Scalability Law2 by embracing a Share-Nothing Architecture.

├─ payment # Payment api
│ ├─ Luna.Services.Payment.Api
│ ├─ Luna.Services.Payment.Application
│ ├─ Luna.Services.Payment.Domain
│ └─ Luna.Services.Payment.Infrastructe
├─ lib # Lib folder contains common and cross cutting concerns
│ ├─ Luna.Framework.AspNetCore
│ └─ Luna.Framework.Common
├─ 3rd-party-bank-api # Acquirer bank api
│ └─ AcquirerBank
├─ docs
│ ├─ TBA
│ └─ TBA
├─ assests
│ └─ images
└─ README.md
Luna Payment api is build with following features
- Idempotent support for creating a payment request, based on unique id (UUID [RFC4122])
- Clients can attach there own meta data to a payment request, e.g customer id, invoice id etc. in a form of key value pair,
"meta_data": [
"name": "string",
"value": "string"
- Supports versioning
- Polly for resiliency when calling 3rd party bank api
- Security header middleware
- Exception handling middleware
- Api key
- Configuration driven api design via api settings
- Document urls are included in all exceptions, helping clients to fix the issues with their requests
- Calculated estimated cost per transaction for merchants
- Fluent validation
- Swagger and OpenApi support
- Docker compose support
"ApiSettings": {
"Name": "Luna Payment Api",
"DbName": "LunaPaymentDB",
"DocumentationUrl": "https://api.payment.luna.com/v1/documentation/",
"Title": "Luna Payment Api",
"Version": "1.0",
"Description": "Luna Payment Api provides functionality to customer's payment instruments.",
"ContactName": "Luna Payment Support",
"ContactEmail": "support@luna.com",
"TermOfServiceUrl": "https://api.payment.luna.com/terms",
"LicenseName": "Enterprise",
"LicenseUrl": "https://api.payment.luna.com/license",
"BasePath": "/v1",
"HostPath": "https://api.payment.luna.com",
"DefaultPageNumber": 1,
"DefaultPageSize": 20,
"EnableBanner": true,
"EnableSwagger": true,
"IncludeSecurityHeader": true,
"IncludeAuthHeader": false,
"ApiKey": "47BBEB996A9249AC8AC6180DE925A118",
"GatewayId": "604DEACB865546848D026272284213E8",
"RequestMasking": {
"Enabled": true,
"MaskTemplate": "*"
"HttpClientSettings": {
"Name": "AcquirerBankApiClient",
"BaseAddress": "http://localhost:9100/",
"EndPoints": [
"Name": "Charge",
"Url": "api/charge"
"TransactionCostPercentage" : 0.05,
"CacheExpirationInMin": "15",
"CacheKey": "acquirer-bank-cache-{0}",
"NumberOfExceptionsBeforeCircuitBreaker": 20,
"CircuitBreakerFailurePeriodInMin": 1,
"RetryTimeSpansInSec": [ 1, 3, 5 ]
Please use following api key as this is a must, when using Luna Payment Api,
"ApiKey": "47BBEB996A9249AC8AC6180DE925A118"

Please use following example post request in either Postman or Swagger,
"merchant_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"meta_data": [
"name": "customer_Id",
"value": "38771"
"card": {
"card_type": "VISA",
"exp_month": "03",
"exp_year": "24",
"cvv": "233",
"number": "4242 4242 4242 4242",
"name_on_card": "Mr J Smith"
"amount": 120,
"currency": "GBP"
api-supported-versions: 1.0
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
date: Thu,03 Feb 2022 02:40:06 GMT
location: https://localhost:7083/v1/payment/886e27ab-d393-4a39-849b-c69033aa2219
server: Kestrel
transfer-encoding: chunked
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-frame-options: DENY
x-permitted-cross-domain-policies: none
x-xss-protection: 0
"data": {
"payment_id": "886e27ab-d393-4a39-849b-c69033aa2219",
"status": "Completed",
"finalised_on": "2022-02-03T02:40:06.069942Z",
"updated_on": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"submitted_on": "2022-02-03T02:40:05.940032Z",
"estimated_settlement_cost": 0.06,
"bank_code": "123",
"bank_status": "Approved",
"bank_reason": "Success",
"idempotent_key": "12c19825-af41-4651-a927-e99c9b52b1b5",
"merchant_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"meta_data": [
"name": "customer_Id",
"value": "38771"
"card": {
"card_type": "VISA",
"exp_month": "03",
"exp_year": "24",
"cvv": "233",
"number": "4242 4242 4242 4242",
"name_on_card": "Mr J Smith"
"amount": 120,
"currency": "GBP"
"status": "Success",
"version": "1.0"
When ever a fault has occuered, api will send a response with documentation url, which will direct clients to fix the issue with their request, as shown below,
"DocumentationUrl": "https://api.payment.luna.com/v1/documentation/payments/30001",
"title": "Access Denied",
"status": 401,
"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.
Api key does not exist or is invalid in request header.",
3rd part bank api is a mock api, which acts a bank process the payment requests. At the moment there is not much functionality developed in this microservice. Currently, the api is only processing Visa card types and GBP as currecny as shown below,
"card_type": "VISA"
"currency": "GBP"
Clone the repository using the command git clone https://github.com/SalZaki/Luna.git and checkout the main branch.
Open Luna
directory and execute:
docker-compose -f up -d
Work in progress and coming very soon
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

- MediatR
- Fluent Validation
- Polly
- Swashbuckle
- macOS Catalina 🍎
- JetBrains Rider
- .NET Core 6
- Docker 🐳
To move, to breathe, to fly, to float,
To gain all while you give,
To roam the roads of lands remote,
To travel is to live.
Do anything, but let it produce joy