
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Honu is a Planetside 2 website that shows the top players in each faction certain categories. You can also view a breakdown of their actions, such as seeing what weapons a player is using, who a medic is reviving, or what types of spawns someone is providing

Other realtime tracking webites

General Info

honu is a .NET 6 server that runs on Windows 10 and Linux

Technologies used

Tech Use
.NET 6 backbone for everything
ASP.NET Core MVC routing
SignalR WebSocket connections for realtime updates
VueJS frontend framework
Typescript all frontend logic
DaybreakGames.Census C# package by Lampjaw
PostgreSQL database


  1. download honu
    • git clone https://github.com/varunda/honu.git
  2. download and install PostgreSQL 13.3 or higher
    • earlier versions probably work but I haven't tested them
  3. setup a ps2 database for carl-wt to create all the tables for
    • Linux:
      • log into user that has permissions in the default psql server
        • $ sudo -iu postgres
      • start a psql client
        • $ psql
      • create ps2 database
        • postgres=# CREATE DATABASE ps2;
      • ensure it exists
        • postgres=# \c ps2;
      • done!
    • Windows:
      • use pgAdmin or something I'm not sure exactly
  4. change syncronous_commit to off instead of the default on.
  5. compile the frontend code
    • install the node modules
      • npm install
    • compile the typescript into Javascript
      • npm run watch (you'll need to like ^C after or something)
    • done!
  6. build the backend server
    • dotnet build
  7. run carl-wt
    • dotnet run

There is (ideally) no configuration beyond this needed. All database tables will be created automatically as part of the startup process. A default service ID of asdf has been provided, you can change this in Startup.cs, in the function services.AddCensusServices()

If you want to change database options, you can either add a new object in appsettings.json called DbOptions, or add user secrets

DbOptions in user secrets

  1. initalize the user secrets
    • dotnet user-secrets init
  2. set the options you want to change
    • dotnet user-secrets set "$OptionName" "$Value"

$OptionName can be:

  • DbOptions.ServerUrl: Host of the server, localhost is the default which means running on the same machine
  • DbOptions.DatabaseName: Name of the database, default is ps2, which is what was set in the database setup steps
  • DbOptions.Username: Username used to connect to the database
  • DbOptions.Password: Password of the user used to connect to the database


honu is really a collection of programs that run under the same process. Each program, or hosted service, handles a different part of creating the world data. Some hosted services run once then return, others act as a queue processor, while others run period taks. Some services can be interacted with by inputting commands to the server


Hosted service Lifetime Purpose
DataBuilderService.cs Task Runs all the queries to build the world data for each world/server
DbCreatorHostedService.cs Once Run once at startup to create all the db stuff
EventCleanupService.cs Task Removes old data that no longer needs to be tracked
EventProcessService.cs Queue Processes the queue of realtime events
HostedBackgroundCharacterCacheQueue.cs Queue Caches characters in the background
RealtimeResubscribeService.cs Task Periodically resubscribes to all realtime events
WorldDataBroadcastService.cs Task Broadcasts the world data to all signalR clients
Lifetime Description
Once Ran once either at startup or shutdown
Task Periodically runs a task
Queue Continiously processes a list of things to do


honu can be interacted with in the console by typing commands. It is a bit jank currently. If text is output while you're typing a command, the input text will be split. There is no command history or auto-complete.

Commands are processed in /Code/Commands, and can aid in running honu. To list all commands available, use .list. To safely close honu, use .close. Closing honu thru SIGTERM can be done (such as ^C), but can prevent some non-essential cleanup processes from running (such as ending current sessions).

Common commands

resubscribe to the realtime events:

  • realtime restart

print all hosted service:

  • service print

disable a hosted service:

  • service disable $ServiceName
  • useful when testing on a 5 year old laptop that can't really handle the db queries
  • not all hosted services actually stop when disabled

enable a hosted service:

  • service enable $ServiceName