
Here we will put our code and go from there


MODIS files contain the following variables:

  • 'ref' - MODIS Reflectance Bands 1-7 (7,Height,Width)
  • 'temp' - Ice Surface Temperature (Height,Width)
  • 'mw_npr' - Microwave Normalized Polarization Ratio (Height,Width)
  • 'mw_ngr' - Microwave Normalized Gradient Ratio (Height,Width)
  • 'mw_sic' - Microwave Sea Ice Concentration (Height,Width)
  • 'fc' - Sea Ice Enhanced False Color (3,Height,Width)
  • 'mice' - MODIS Sea Ice Mask (contains cloud mask, see the "Key" row of Table 4
  • 'lm' - Land Mask (may need some work to convert to boolean) (Height,Width)

VIIRS files contain the following variables:

  • 'ibands' - VIIRS Reflectance I Bands (3,Height,Width)
  • ‘mbands’ – VIIRS Reflectance M Bands (3,Height,Width)
  • 'sst' - Sea Surface Temperature (Height,Width)
  • 'mw_npr' - Microwave Normalized Polarization Ratio (Height,Width)
  • 'mw_ngr' - Microwave Normalized Gradient Ratio (Height,Width)
  • 'mw_sic' - Microwave Sea Ice Concentration (Height,Width)
  • 'fc' - Sea Ice Enhanced False Color (3,Height,Width)
  • 'lm' - Land Mask (may need some work to convert to boolean) (Height,Width)