This repository contains the source code for a digital signal processing (DSP) application. The application provides various functionalities for signal analysis and visualization, including Fourier transform, and DTFT.
There 2 Versions in this project one version that i build from scratch and the other version that i used the existing functions in it.
1- Convert an image to a 1D signal array
2- Perform Fourier transform on a signal using FFT
3- Perform DTFT (Discrete-Time Fourier Transform) on a signal using FFT
4- Visualize the transformed signals using a chart
1- C# programming language
2- .NET Framework
3- Windows Forms for GUI (Graphical User Interface)
4- MathNet.Numerics library for mathematical operations and FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
1- Clone the repository: $ git clone
2- Open the solution file (Project.sln) in Visual Studio.
3- Build the solution to restore dependencies and compile the project.
4- Run the application to launch the GUI.
1- Open an image file by clicking the "Open" button.
2- Perform Fourier series, Fourier transform, or DTFT on the loaded image using the corresponding buttons.
3- View the transformed signals in a chart.
4- Adjust the chart settings (range, axis labels, etc.) using the input fields provided.
5- Close the application when finished.
1- Fork the repository.
2- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: $ git checkout -b your-branch-name
3- Make the necessary changes and commit them: $ git commit -am 'Add your message'
4- Push the changes to your forked repository: $ git push origin your-branch-name
5- Submit a pull request from your branch to the main repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
The MathNet.Numerics library authors and contributors.