
A static website built with React that simulates Twitter React profile. Styled using TailwindCSS and enhanced with Lucide icons, this project showcases a static implementation of dynamic-looking components and is bundled efficiently with Vite.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Twitter React Profile

An Implementation of React profile on Twitter

Libraries Used

In this project, I've used the following libraries:

  • mui/material: Offers Material Design UI components for a consistent and modern interface. mui/material
  • Font Awesome: A popular icon set and toolkit for adding vector icons and social logos. Font Awesome
  • tailwindcss: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid and responsive UI development. tailwindcss
  • react-lucid: A set of clear and elegant React icons for building visually appealing interfaces. react-lucid

Please refer to the documentation of each library for more information on how to use them.

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