
Simple pub/sub utility for Kombu based on Yosun

Primary LanguagePython

Django Propaganda

Django Propaganda is a simple pub/sub utility for Kombu.

Define your broker's URL in your django settings:

PROPAGANDA_BROKER_URL = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//"

Give Propaganda a topic exchange name and it provides a nice interface for pub/sub.


pip install django-microservice-propaganda

Creating Propaganda Object

from django_propaganda import Propaganda

propaganda = Propaganda("exchange_topic_name")


Publish method takes routing key and payload parameters:

propaganda.publish('my.routing.key', {'hello': 'world'})

You can omit the payload which defaults to an empty dictionary.


publish method by default blocks the execution until message is sent. You can add block=False parameter to make publish return immediately, and message will be sent in a background thread.

# this will return after creating a thread that will send the message
propaganda.publish('my.routing.key', {'hello': 'world'}, block=False)  

Make Persistent Additions to Payloads

Propaganda object has a dictionary property named payload. Content of payload will be added to the payload given to the publish method.

propaganda.payload['sender'] = 'Yigit Ozen'

# this will publish {'sender': 'Yigit Ozen', 'hello': 'world'}
propaganda.publish('my.routing.key', {'hello': 'world'})

# sender will still be added if you omit the payload parameter. 
# this will publish {'sender': 'Yigit Ozen'}

# use del to stop adding a key-value pair to the payloads
del propaganda.payload['sender']


Propaganda's subscribe method creates and returns a Subscription object. Subscription creates a queue and starts consuming it on a separate thread.

on method registers a callback for a certain routing key.

all method registers a callback for all routing keys.

The signature of the callbacks must take two arguments: (body, message), which is the decoded message body and Kombu Message instance.

wait method blocks until a message arrives with the given routing key.

wait_any method blocks until any message arrives.

def on_rabbit(body, message):
    print('Look, a rabbit!')
sub = propaganda.subscribe('animals.#')

# from now on when a animals.rabbit message arrives, on_rabbit will be called
sub.on('animals.rabbit', on_rabbit)

# when any message matching animals.# arrives, on_animal will be called

# this will block the program until an animals.rabbit message arrives

# wait has the same semantic with Python's multithreading wait. so you can pass a timeout.
# return value will be true if a message arrives before the timeout, false otherwise
arrived = sub.wait('animals.rabbit', timeout=10)

# blocks until any message arrives

on and all methods return the Subscription object, so what you can chain the calls.

sub = propaganda.subscribe('animals.#')
            .on('animals.rabbit', on_rabbit)
            .on('animals.turtle', on_turtle)

Exception Handling

You can pass an exception handler to on and all methods. Propaganda will call your handler with the exception when an exception is raised from on of your callbacks instead of raising it.
For example you can use this to register loggers.

def log_mq_exception(exception):
    logger.error('Exception occurred when handling MQ message: {0}'.format(exception))
sub = propaganda.subscribe('animals.#')

sub.on('animals.rabbit', on_rabbit, on_exception=log_mq_exception)
sub.all(on_animal, on_exception=log_mq_exception) 

You can also pass an exception handler to sub method in the same way. It applies to all callbacks under that subscription. It is called after the handler given to on or all method.

The following code works exactly like the one above.

def log_mq_exception(exception):
    logger.error('Exception occurred when handling MQ message: {0}'.format(exception))
sub = propaganda.subscribe('animals.#', on_exception=log_mq_exception)

sub.on('animals.rabbit', on_rabbit)

Stop and Restart Consuming

Subscription creates a queue and starts a thread that consumes it upon creation. You can destroy the queue and the thread without destroying the Subscription, and you can recreate them later.

# starts listening for the events
sub = propaganda.subscribe('animals.#')
            .on('animals.rabbit', on_rabbit)
            .on('animals.turtle', on_turtle)

# you don't want to receive messages for a while

# the registered callbacks are still there.
# you can recreate the queue and start receiving messages again.

If you don't keep the subscription in a variable, you can use unsubscribe method of Propaganda object by binding key to stop consuming.


Prefixing Routing Keys

You can pass a key prefix when initializing Propaganda object, which will be automatically prefixed all routing keys when subscribing and publishing. If you use Propaganda object to pub/sub in a specific namespace, this will save you from adding the prefix manually for all pub/sub calls.

propaganda = Propaganda(connection, exchange, key_prefix='my.namespace.')

# this will actually subscribe to 'my.namespace.animals.#'
sub = propaganda.subscribe('animals.#')

# on_rabbit will be called for messages with the key 'my.namespace.animals.rabbit'
sub.on('animals.rabbit', on_rabbit)

# this will publish the message with the key 'my.namespace.my.routing.key'
propaganda.publish({'my.routing.key', 'hello': 'world'})