
Table of Contents:

  1. What is L-system?
  2. Context-Free L-system
  3. Chomsky Normal Form
  4. Difference between L-system and Chomsky Normal Form
  5. Turtle Graphics
  6. Basic Turtle Graphics Symbols and Functions
  7. Using L-System Code in Unity
  8. Using Command Line for L-System Tree Simulation
  9. Example Images

What is L-system?

An L-system, or Lindenmayer system, is a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar. It was introduced and developed in 1968 by Aristid Lindenmayer, a Hungarian theoretical biologist and botanist at the University of Utrecht].

An L-system consists of:

  • An alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings.

  • A collection of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols.

  • An initial "axiom" string from which to begin construction.

  • A mechanism for translating the generated strings into geometric structures.

Lindenmayer used L-systems to describe the behavior of plant cells and to model the growth processes of plant development.They have also been used to model the morphology of a variety of organisms and can be used to generate self-similar fractals.The recursive nature of the L-system rules leads to self-similarity and thereby, fractal-like forms are easy to describe with an L-system.

Context free L-system

context-free L-system, also known as a 0L-system, is a type of Lindenmayer system where the production rules are applied to symbols regardless of their context within the string.This means that the application of the rules does not depend on the neighboring symbols in the string.

A context-free L-system is denoted by G = (V, ω, P), where:

  • V is an alphabet, which is a set of symbols that can be used to make strings.

  • ω (omega) is the initial "axiom" string from which to begin construction.

  • P is a finite set of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols. A production rule is denoted by a → x, where a is a symbol in V and x is a string of symbols in V.

Chomsky Normal Form

 CNF is a specific type of context-free grammar (CFG). A CFG is in CNF if all its production rules are of the form:

  • A → BC

  • A →a

where A, B, and C are non-terminal symbols and a is a terminal symbol. CNF is used as a preprocessing step for many algorithms for CFG like CYK (membership algo), bottom-up parsers etc. For generating string w of length 'n' requires '2n-1' production or steps in CNF

Difference between L-system and Chomsky Normal Form

Both CNF and L-systems are types of formal grammars, they are used in different contexts and have different rules and structures. CNF is used in parsing algorithms in compilers, while L-systems are used in modeling and simulation of biological systems and in the generation of graphics and animations.

 The essential difference between Chomsky grammars and L-systems lies in the method of applying productions. In Chomsky grammars productions are applied sequentially, whereas in L-systems they are applied in parallel, replacing simultaneously all letters in a given word. This difference reflects the biological motivation of L-systems. Productions are intended to capture cell divisions in multicellular organisms, where many division may occur at the same time.

Turtle Graphicsare often used for L-System interpretation:

The derivation strings of developing L-systems can be interpreted as a linear sequence of instructions (with real-valued parameters in the case of parametric L-systems) to a 'turtle', which interprets the instructions as movement and geometry building actions. The historical term turtle interpretation comes from the early days of computer graphics, where a mechanical robot turtle (either real or simulated), capable of simple movement and carrying a pen, would respond to instructions such as 'move forward', 'turn left', 'pen up' and 'pen down'. Each command modifies the turtle's current position, orientation and pen position on the drawing surface. The cumulative product of commands creates the drawing.

The turtle is represented by its state, which consists of turtle position and orientation in the Cartesian coordinate system, as well as various attribute values, such as current color and line width. The position is defined by a vector $\overrightarrow{P}$ , and the orientation is defined by three vectors $\overrightarrow{H}$, $\overrightarrow{L}$, and $\overrightarrow{U}$, indicating the turtle's heading and the directions to the left and up. These vectors have unit length, are perpendicular to each other, and satisfy the equation:

$$\overrightarrow{H} \times \overrightarrow{L} = \overrightarrow{U}$$

. Rotations of the turtle are expressed by the equation:

$$ (\overrightarrow{H'}, \overrightarrow{L'}, \overrightarrow{U'}) = (\overrightarrow{H}, \overrightarrow{L}, \overrightarrow{U}) $$

where R is a 3 $\times$ 3 rotation matrix . Changes in the turtle's state are caused by interpretation of specific symbols, each of which may be followed by parameters. If one or more parameters are present, the value of the first parameter affects the turtle's state. If the symbol is not followed by any parameter, default values specified outside the L-system are used. The following list specifies the basic set of symbols interpreted by the turtle. image

a) Controlling the turtle in three dimensions b) Example of the turtle interpretation of a string

Symbol Function
F move forward at distance L (Step Length) and draw a line
f move forward at distance L (Step Length) without drawing a line
+ turn left A (Default Angle) degrees
- turn right A (Default Angle) degrees
\ roll left A (Default Angle) degrees
/ roll right A (Default Angle) degrees
^ pitch up A (Default Angle) degrees
& pitch down A (Default Angle) degrees
| turn around 180 degrees
J insert point at this position
" multiply current length by dL (Length Scale)
! multiply current thickness by dT (Thickness Scale)
[ start a branch (push turtle state)
] end a branch (pop turtle state)
# increase the value of the current line width by the default width increment
; index of the color map to n, or increase the value of the current index by the default colour increment if no parameter is given
, index of the color map to n, or decrease the value of the current index by the default colour decrement if no parameter is given
A,B,C,D,... placeholders, used to nest other symbols

Employing L-System Code in Unity

To implement the provided L-System code in Unity, follow these steps:

1. Attach the Script to GameObject

  • Attach the LSystem script to a GameObject in your Unity scene.

2. Adjust Parameters in the Unity Inspector

  • Iterations: Set the number of iterations for the L-System.
  • Angle: Adjust the rotation angle for turns in the L-System.
  • Width: Modify the width of branches or lines in the L-System.
  • Length: Change the length of branches or the step length in the L-System.
  • Axiom: Define the initial axiom for the L-System.
  • Rules: Add or modify rules for the L-System using the Inspector.

3. Generate L-System

  • Click the "Generate" button in the Unity Inspector or trigger the generation through code when needed.
  • The L-System will be created based on the specified parameters and rules.

4. Update and Reset

  • The L-System can be updated dynamically by changing parameters like iterations, angle, width, and length.
  • Use the "UpdateTree" method to dynamically update the L-System during runtime.
  • To reset the L-System to default values, use the "Reset" method.

Example Usage:

// Example of modifying L-System parameters during runtime
void Update()
    // Dynamically adjust parameters

    // Update the L-System

Using Command Line for L-System Tree Simulation

To interact with the L-System simulation via the command line, follow these steps:

1. Extract Build Files

  • Extract the contents of the provided build.rar file.

2. Run the Executable

  • Locate and run the L-Systems Plant Simulation.exe file.

3. Execute Commands via Command Line

  • In the Unity console, you can use the following commands to manipulate the L-System simulation:

    • reset: Reset the L-System to default values.
    • set-iterations [iter]: Set the number of iterations for the L-System.
    set-iterations 5
    • set-angle [newVal]: Adjust the rotation angle for turns in the L-System.
    set-angle 25.0
    • set-widths [newVal]: Modify the width of branches or lines in the L-System.
    set-widths 0.8
    • set-length [newVal]: Change the length of branches or the step length in the L-System.
    set-length 1.5
    • set-axiom [newVal]: Define the initial axiom for the L-System.
    set-axiom X
    • add-rule [key1] [value1]: Add or modify rules for the L-System.
    add-rule X "[-FX]X[+FX][+F-FX]"
    • generate: Update and generate the L-System based on the provided parameters and rules.

Now you can interact with the L-System simulation both through the command line and the Unity console, providing a flexible and dynamic way to control and observe the generated tree structures.

Example Images

Here are visual examples of L-System plant simulations generated using Unity:

  1. Example Image 1

    •         'X'=> "[F[-X+F[+FX]][*-X+F[+FX]][/-X+F[+FX]-X]]" ,
    •        'F'=> "FF" 
  2. Example Image 2

    •        'X'=> "[F-[X+X]+F[+FX]-X]" ,
    •        'F'=> "FF" 
  3. Example Image 3

    •          'X'=> "[FX[+F[-FX]FX][-F-FXFX]]" 
    •          'F'=> "FF" 

This code demonstrates how to interact with the L-System during runtime, changing its parameters and updating the generated structure.

Feel free to integrate this L-System code into your Unity project for dynamic and procedural generation of tree-like structures. Adjust parameters and rules to achieve diverse and visually appealing results.