Minimum Viable Example: r2dbc-uuid-converters

This is a MVE showing an issue with UUID R2DBC converter in a Spring application, using PostgreSQL drivers.

Whe can have criteria on UUID columns. In the Spring Criteria objects, we can have values as String or UUID.

OBSERVATION: When the Criteria apply to an @Id column, it works just fine, whether the valus of the Criteria is String or UUID. But any other columns?! Nope. Bad grammar.

In this MVE, I enabled logging of generated SQL query. Here, the query is always SELECT todos.* FROM todos WHERE todos.<column> = $1 although in my real project, it is SELECT todos.* FROM todos WHERE UPPER(todos.<column>) = UPPER($1). But UPPER only apply to strings/varying characters, so the underlying issue remains the same:

operator does not exist: uuid = character varying

The question is how to address this issue (without hacking my way around it).

How to run it:

  • Java 20 on classpath
  • Maven 3.9+ on the classpath
  • Docker to spin a PostgreSQL server
    docker run \
      --rm \
      --network host \
      --name tools-care \
      --env POSTGRES_USER=user \
      --env POSTGRES_DB=tools-care \
      --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
  • Make sure that you database setting matches those in the project application.yaml
  • Run the app: mvn spring-boot:run
  • Follow the stacktrace to the project sources to see/debug