
Streamlines deployments with a base and library chart structure, promoting reusability and consistency across services. Simplifies ConfigMaps, HPAs, and more, enabling scalable and maintainable Kubernetes configurations

Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT



This work aims to streamline Kubernetes deployments across multiple services by reducing code duplication and ensuring consistency. This umbrella Helm chart encapsulates common configurations and functionalities, facilitating a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) approach and simplifying Kubernetes deployments.

The repo is structured into two main parts:

  • Library Chart: Contains reusable definitions and templates for common Kubernetes resources.
  • Base Chart: Utilizes the library chart to provide a standardized deployment template for applications.

This approach simplifies the Kubernetes deployment process, enabling rapid and consistent deployments across various environments and services.


  • library/: A Helm library chart containing templates for common Kubernetes resources like ConfigMaps and HPAs.
  • base-chart/: A Helm chart that serves as the base for deploying microservices. It includes the library chart as a dependency.


  • Centralized Configuration: Manage common configurations across all microservices in one place.
  • Modular Design: Extend and customize configurations to meet the specific needs of each microservice.
  • Scalability: Designed to support deployments of any scale, from small to large enterprises.
  • Best Practices: Integrates Kubernetes and Helm best practices to provide a solid deployment foundation.

Getting Started


  • Helm version 3.x or later
  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster
  • Basic knowledge of Kubernetes and Helm concepts


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone git@github.com:Salaton/universal-helm-charts.git
    cd universal-helm-charts
  2. Install the Helm chart:
    helm install my-microservices ./unified-chart -f custom-values.yaml
    Replace my-microservices with your deployment name and custom-values.yaml with your specific configuration file.


To deploy a microservice using the base chart, you can define your service-specific configurations in a values.yaml file. For example:

  name: myservice-config
    setting1: "value1"

  enabled: true
  name: myservice-hpa
    name: myservice
  minReplicas: 2
  maxReplicas: 5
    - type: Resource
        name: cpu
          type: Utilization
          averageUtilization: 75

Then, deploy your microservice using Helm:

`helm install myservice ./base-chart -f values.yaml`