
This repo contains bunch of android apps

Primary LanguageKotlin


This repo contains bunch of android apps


Simple android app made similar in appearance to an application from Stanford 193A course Lesson. It is used to introduce me with Android development with Kotlin.


1st Homework task from Stanford 193A course. Also simple android app, nothing more than core basics.


Simple android app made similar in appearance to an application from Stanford 193A course Lesson. App was used as a tool to learn more about list adapters, file storage inside app director and multiple activity mode (intents).


Simple android app made similar in appearance to an application from Stanford 193A course Lesson. App was used as a tool to learn more about fragments.


Simple android app made similar in appearance to an application from Stanford 193A course Lesson. App was used as a tool to learn more about dynamic UI, dialogs and media player.


Simple android app made similar in appearance to an application from Stanford 193A course Lesson. App was used as a tool to learn more about fetching data from web APIs.


Simple android app made similar in appearance to an application from Stanford 193A course Lesson. App was used as a tool to learn basic operation with Sql Lite.


Simplified version of android app which uses MVVM pattern. Used as learning tool. Credits to ResoCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7UxPYxgBoA


Note management app made with java language in mvvm pattern. Used as learning tool. Credits to Coding in Flow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARpn-1FPNE4&list=PLrnPJCHvNZuDihTpkRs6SpZhqgBqPU118&index=1


Kotlin messenger is chat app which uses firebase for data management. It includes login and registration of users. Used as learning tool. Credits to Lets Build That App: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihJGxFu2u9Q


Kotlin messenger is chat app which uses firebase for data management. It includes login and registration of users with firebase auth-ui. It also uses firebase messenger. Used as learning tool. Credits to RecoCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB7WeED1d1w&t=753s

Forecast MVVM

Forecast tutorial app made using MVVM architectural pattern. This app is going to do things like getting weather data from an API using Retrofit and Gson, caching this data in an SQLite database using Room library, handling asynchronous code using Kotlin’s coroutines, concentrating data operations in a Repository class, injecting dependencies using Kodein library, getting the user’s location and more. Credits to ResoCoder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDaaM3u389I&list=PLB6lc7nQ1n4jTLDyU2muTBo8xk0dg0D_w