If you do not need secure websocket than you can follow method 1.
env/bin/python -m daphne -b -p 9000 configurations.asgi:application
url of websocket is: ws://localhost:9000/ws/<ty_pe>/<p_k>/<user_id>/
You can fill the variables under websocket_app/consumers.py. If you need secure websocket than you should fill the required fields.
url_for_check_permission_on_support=None this url should work on get request and return a json with { "permission":true/false, "other data":"other data" }
url_for_send_message_on_support=None this url should work on post request to save the message on backend database
url_for_check_permission_on_chat=None this url should work on get request and return a json with { "permission":true/false, "other data":"other data" }
url_for_send_message_on_chat=None this url should work on post request to save the message on backend database
env/bin/python -m daphne -b -p 9000 configurations.asgi:application
url of websocket is: ws://localhost:9000/ws/<ty_pe>/<p_k>/<to_ken>/