- 5
Scheduler does not run with Scheduled Flow
#40 opened by halueck - 3
Scheduler won't restart after first day
#37 opened by sherpera - 0
Schedul-o-matic runs flow draft
#39 opened by ofrayechiel - 0
- 1
- 2
Issue with Creating Schedule
#35 opened by jlaurie87 - 0
Schedule Apex Test Classes
#27 opened by adayIvey - 3
Scheduling a flow error - An error occurred while trying to update the record. Please try again.
#19 opened by eedgerton60 - 7
- 0
Start with Repeat Interval calculation
#20 opened by adayIvey - 0
Handle perm set assignment via perm set group
#15 opened by dcstuff - 0
Separate UI from job scheduling [enhancement]
#14 opened by dcstuff - 0
Allow specifying a running user [enhancement]
#13 opened by dcstuff - 1
Passing params to scheduled flows?
#8 opened by rnendza - 1
- 0
Swap out Dao class for StubProvider interface
#2 opened by dcstuff