A Simple Vue Quiz App.
This app is started as the practice for the tutorial by Gwendolyn Faraday. You can follow her on twitter here https://twitter.com/gwen_faraday
I decided to add some enhancements that was missed in the very first tutorial. Few checks here & there just to make it little bit more fancy. Gwen did a great job in explaining the stuff but I'm someone who needs some more details and attention to understand the topic. So following the tutorial wasn't enough. So that I decided to add some features to understand the concepts in a better way.
If you want to see what my version of original code was doing. You can follow the link https://pure-beyond-10179.herokuapp.com/ which I set up on heroku.
There's another heroku app that I set up on heroku which have slightly more features in it. For my practice and learning. You can find it here https://nameless-escarpment-39744.herokuapp.com/
- Added a previous button to go back to the previous question.
- Also added a check for letting the user know the start and end of questions by disabling the next & previous buttons.
- Once the user will submit the answer it will not be open anymore for another attempt. Also submit button marked as submitted.
- Some changes in the header section to give more information to the user about the quiz like Score, Attempted, Correct, Incorrect & Total questions.