Breakfast Club

It is always morning to the Breakfast Club. Some say Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Some say that dinner is. Regardless of what side of the table you sit at, we can all agree that we like food. Share a photo of what you had for breakfast with the world!.

Link to project:

app in action gif

How It's Made:

Tech used: EJS, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Passport.js

This is a full-stack web app built with 3 other developers. We began by spinning up a server using Node.js and Express middleware. Once we had our server live, we created our databasee on MongoDB and kept our keys in a .env file utilizing the Dotenv module. Once the backend was all set up, we began on the front-end. We used EJS to dynamically render our html files and mainly used Bootstrap for the CSS (with a few good old CSS sprinkled in there). Passport.js was used for authenticate requests. Lastly, we utilized an Model–view–controller (MVC) design pattern to keep everything organized and connect our front-end and back-end.