This repository includes a makefile, the makefile is adaptable to any C or CPP project as easily. The makefile generates an output for each source file, so when you change any source file, the GCC will recompile just which file that is changed and update the output.
step: dependencies_file dependencies_steps
macro | explanation |
$@ | step's definition name |
$? | step's all dependencies |
$< | step's just file dependencies |
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -I.
SRCDIR = src
OBJDIR = obj
BINDIR = bin
SOURCES = $(shell find $(SRCDIR) -type f -name '*.c') # main.c say_hello.c
OBJECTS = $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(SOURCES:.c=.o)) # main.o say_hello.o
DEPS = $(OBJECTS:.o=.d)
BINARY = $(BINDIR)/Program.bin
#-include $(DEPS)
all: buildsolution
buildsolution: dir $(BINARY)
mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)
mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -MMD -MP -o $@ $<
echo "clean runing..."