
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This project is special for me as it is the first time that I analyse data... on myself. I have bought a Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 which was at first intended to tracking my sport sessions. But I ended up focusing more on tracking my sleep data.

I also came across a book called "Why We Sleep" written by Matthew Walker which was fascinating and helped me a lot understanding my sleep and what I should do in the future to improve it.


Explanation on sleep stages using the Samsung watch: https://developer.samsung.com/health/server/partner-only/api-reference/data-types/sleep-stage.html

This helped me building stacked bar charts: https://towardsdatascience.com/stacked-bar-charts-with-pythons-matplotlib-f4020e4eb4a7

The "Why We Sleep" amazing book that you should read: https://tinyurl.com/whywesleepbook

The code

Click here to view the code.

Executive Summary

  • I sleep more on weekends than during work days (7h31 vs. 6h42 on average)

  • My sleep time is quite anarchic, with a standard deviation of 1h10

  • Small correlation between the number of steps during a day and the amount of REM/deep sleep I get

  • Small correlation between coding late at night and rapidity to fall asleep: the later I code, the quicker I fall asleep at night

  • Sleeping early has a positive impact on REM sleep and also increases my total sleep

  • It looks like the most efficient sleep duration for me would be between 8h and 10h (to get enough deep and REM sleep)

  • I have an average sleep efficiency of 89% which can be considered as good-quality sleep


I read "Why We Sleep" from Matthew Walker which helped me to understand sleep, sleep phases, and how I could improve my sleep. Based on my new knowledge from the book, I built an analysis using my sleep data. I spent a lot of time reprocessing the raw data from the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 (reprocessing time zones, date and hour formats, sleep stages, etc.). Then I tried to dry out the dataset and find as many meaningful insights as possible.

Next steps / Improvements

  • I would like to spend more time on collecting external factors data:
    • Time spent on my computer
    • Time spent on my phone
    • Time spent working out
    • The kind of activity I was doing before going to sleep: computer/TV vs. reading a book
    • etc.
  • Then relate this data with my sleep data and see how correlated these external factors could be
