This is the Salix blog, found at It is written with Hugo.

Making new posts

To make a new post, create a new markdown file in content/post with:

hugo new content/post/

At this time, this uses hugo version 0.111.3. There might be breakages, especially with the theme, if you use a newer version.

Cloning this repo

You need to clone this repo, including the submodule which contains the theme we're using. Also, you need to clone the source branch instead of the master branch, this is where the markdown files are. So, run:

git clone -b source --recursive

Publishing the blog

The master branch includes the files that are used for publishing and can be updated by running:

make publish

The master branch resides inside the public directory. You should not update it manually, only by using the above command. The contents of the master branch are used by Github pages to show the actual blog.