Nowadays, social media is making it harder for families to stay close. Thus, our primary objective is to counteract this negative influence by establishing a dedicated social media platform designed exclusively for families. This platform aims to provide a secure space where family members can effortlessly share their interests, activities, and cherished memories, fostering a deeper and more meaningful connection among family members.
Family Circle Creation:
- Create a circle to group family members together.
- Assign roles and permissions within the family circle.
Sharing Functionality:
- Share feeds: Post updates, thoughts to the family circle.
- Share images: Upload and share photos with family members.
- Share events: Create and manage events within the family circle, these events are shown at a calendar.
- Share to-do lists: Collaboratively create and manage to-do lists for tasks within the family.
User Authentication:
- User authentication system with features like login, signup, reset password, and forgot password functionality.
- Secure user authentication to ensure privacy and data protection.
To set up and run the FamilyHub application, follow these steps:
- clone family-hub repo:
git clone
- navigate to Family-Hub directory:
cd Family-Hub
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- setup mysql:
cat dev_setup_mysql.sql | mysql -u root -p
- setup prisma:
- update the schema:
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
- load the updated schema to client:
npx prisma generate
- update the schema:
- Run the app in development mode:
npm run dev
- access the app from browser through: