Illumant Coding Interview

We have created the following 2 code assignments to help us get a better feel of your coding abilities and critical thinking process. You are required to do both of the assignments.

The assingments listed here are common problems that we encounter on our development endeveaours, and you will most certainly face if you end up being hired.

Best of luck to you!

Illumant Team


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Perform both assignments and commit your code.
  3. Send us a link to your repository.

Assignment 1 - Clean Me

We strive to generate clean/readable/efficient code. The PHP/HTML file named "cleanme.phtml" is the prime example of code that does not follow any of the qualities mentioned before. Your task is to clean the code as much as possible and make it more efficient whenever possible.


  • You can use any coding standard, the main goal is to make the code more readable.
  • Assume that all variables and functions have been properly initialized.

Assignment 2 - Scrape It

A lot of times we need to scrape data from other websites to gather key information such as contact information. Even though, Yelp has an API to solve this issue, many other websites do not. For this task you are required to build a web interface in any language which takes a yelp link such as this one and prints out a table which contains the company name, the phone number, and company address.

Make sure to save the results on a database in a way such as if the user enters the same link, it will spit out the results whitout having to query Yelp again.


  • Do not use Yelp API, we are looking for a tool that scrapes the page.
  • You do not need to query all the paginated results of the Yelp link, just get whatever the first page returns.
  • You can use any programming language.
  • The front end can be as simple as an input field, followed by a table with the results.