
A REST API application to allow search in hotels inventory by any of the following:

  • Hotel Name
  • Destination [City]
  • Price range [ex: $100:$200]
  • Date range [ex: 10-10-2020:15-10-2020]

and allow sorting by:

  • Hotel Name
  • Price


  • Run composer install to install the dependencies.
  • Run bin/console server:run


  • Hotel an object contains (name,city,price,availability)
  • HotelDataMapper for de-serializing the Json data to an object(ArrayCollection) of hotels.
  • HotelService is a service which is responsible of filtering/matching the search query (name, price range, availabilities) and sorting by name/price,

API Sandbox


Running the tests

  • Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/AppBundle/Controller/API/HotelControllerTest.php

  • Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/AppBundle/Service//HotelServiceTest.php

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