A web service that provides an API for clients to run algorithms and perform updates on the graphs.
- Uses Slim as the application Framework.
- Uses Mysql and Doctrine for storing and querying data.
- Uses PHP-DI
- Uses symfony/console
- Uses PHP dotenv
- Install docker as per this installation guide .
- Install GIT as per this installation guide.
- Git clone
git clone git@github.com:SalmaAbdelhady/graph.git
1- Setup Using Makefile and docker
- Run the app using
make up
- Hit
2- Or Follow steps
- Create your
file. - RUN
composer install
- RUN to create schema
./vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force --complete
- RUN to seed database
./vendor/bin/doctrine dbal:import ./.sql/db_seed.sql
docker-composer up -d
- Hit
(i.e: run make fixtures
- Depth first search
make DFS
- Breadth first search
make BFS
make test
- Graph CRUD
- Nodes CRUD.
- Edges CRUD
- Algorithms: DepthFirstSearch
- Algorithms: BreadthFirstSearch
- Add Commands for each algorithm
- Setup docker
- Add at least one Test class.
- Handle directed graphs and loops
- Create factories for create un/directed graph or edge
- Add more algorithms implementations.
- Add more test coverage.