
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Module 13


This app is the back end for an e-commerce site. It's configured by a working Express.js API that uses Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database.

  • Make sure to npm i MySQL2 and Sequelize packages to connect your Express.js API to a MySQL database.

  • You'll also need the dotenv package to use environment variables to store sensitive data.

  • Use the schema.sql file in the db folder to create your database with MySQL shell commands.

  • Use environment variables to store sensitive data like your MySQL username, password, and database name.

Table of Contents:


The following animation shows the application's GET routes to return all categories, all products, and all tags being tested in Insomnia. It also shows, the application's GET routes to return a single category, a single product, and a single tag. Then it demonstrates, the POST, PUT, and DELETE routes for categories.

Insomnia app generate


Walkthrough Video

User Story

  • AS A manager at an internet retail company
  • I WANT a back end for my e-commerce website that uses the latest technologies
  • SO THAT my company can compete with other e-commerce companies



Please refer to the LICENSE in the repo.