
Team of 18, split into 3 subgroups B1, B2, B3.

To install

  1. _ git clone ... project
  2. In cmd, >cd ./[project directory]
  3. In cmd, >npm install
  4. Open an emulator, via Android studio
  5. In cmd, expo start, then local host to open the version you want or
  6. [alt], expo start --android etc...
  • npm install @react-navigation/native - in terminal
  • expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context - install in cmd - project location if you are using expo
  • npm install @react-navigation/native-stack - install in terminal See docs for navgation - !(React Navigation)[]

Layout of project

  • app.js used as main navigation
  • apps folder - > screens , for each "screen"/page of the app
  • apps folder - > assets -> subfolders for each asset type

Note : Layout does not scroll up with keyboard anymore becuase of "softwareKeyboardLayoutMode": "pan" added to app.json , this solves layout breaking but could be a future issue