
A technical assessment for Tamara's Internship Program 2021, the goal is to develop a complete RESTful payment API in addition to another API that handles reminders for overdue payments.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tamara's Technical Assessment

Tamara Payment API is a RESTful API that handles all payment-related requests from querying all payments to creating a new one to modifying and deleting payments. Another API has been implemented as well to remind the customer that the payment is overdue.

Getting Started

Tamara Payment API is not hosted on any domain. These steps will help you get the project running locally on your machine.


  • MongoDB URI: You need an active database with an authorized user and password to access/modify the database.
  • Gmail Account: Since the reminder is set to be sent using email, an email account is required to send the reminders to the customers. More details will follow.
  • Docker: To run the API locally. (Optional)


First, clone this repository to you computer

git clone https://github.com/SalmanYG/tamara-payment-api.git

After that, head to the root directory and create an .env file

cd tamara-payment-api
touch .env

After that, open the .env file and add the necessary information to run the API.



First, run the following command

npm install

Then run

npm start

After that, the API will boot up and be ready to operate.

If you prefer using a Docker, you can first run this command

docker build .

After that, map any port number of your choice to the port number exposed in the container (which is written in the dockerfile).

docker run -p <port_number>:5000 <image_id>

API Documentation

There are 3 APIs in this project:

  • Users CRUD REST API, which is responsible for creating and managing users.
  • Payments CRUD REST API, which is responsible for creating and managing payments.
  • Reminder API, which is responsible for sending a reminder to the customer's email when their payment is overdue.
\ GET / POST / GET /:id PATCH /:id DELETE /:id

Use any internet browser or Postman to make GET requests to these APIs, to POST, PATCH, and DELETE, we recommend using Postman.

When developing these APIs, the principles of clean code and SOLID were followed as much as possible. The project was structured using MVC framework, and the code has been refactored multiple times to ensure that it follows the principles.
