
Easily understandable and organized code for most popular pattern problems.

Primary LanguageC++

Certainly! Below is a sample README.md file for your GitHub repository containing solutions to the specified pattern problems in C++ language. Feel free to adapt it to your actual implementation:

Pattern Problems Repository (C++)

Welcome to the Pattern Problems Repository! This repository contains organized and understandable solutions to various pattern problems, implemented in C++. Each pattern is defined as a separate function. Below, you'll find details about each pattern along with the corresponding function names.


  1. Rhombus Pattern (5)

    • Function: rhombusPattern(5)
    • Description: Prints a rhombus pattern with 5 rows.
  2. Rectangle Pattern (5x4)

    • Function: rectangle(5, 4)
    • Description: Prints a rectangle pattern with 5 rows and 4 columns.
  3. Hollow Rectangle Pattern (5x4)

    • Function: hollow_rectangle(5, 4)
    • Description: Prints a hollow rectangle pattern with 5 rows and 4 columns.
  4. Half Pyramid Pattern (5)

    • Function: half_pyramid(5)
    • Description: Prints a half pyramid pattern with 5 rows.
  5. Inverted Half Pyramid Pattern (5)

    • Function: inverted_half_pyramid(5)
    • Description: Prints an inverted half pyramid pattern with 5 rows.
  6. Half Pyramid After 180-Degree Rotation (5)

    • Function: half_pyramid_after_180_degree_rotation(5)
    • Description: Prints a half pyramid pattern after a 180-degree rotation with 5 rows.
  7. Column Number Half Pyramid (5)

    • Function: column_number_half_pyramid(5)
    • Description: Prints a half pyramid pattern with column numbers from 1 to 5.
  8. Column Number Inverted Half Pyramid (10)

    • Function: column_number_inverted_half_pyramid(10)
    • Description: Prints an inverted half pyramid pattern with column numbers from 1 to 10.
  9. Row Number Half Pyramid (5)

    • Function: row_number_half_pyramid(5)
    • Description: Prints a half pyramid pattern with row numbers from 1 to 5.
  10. Row Number Inverted Half Pyramid (5)

    • Function: row_number_inverted_half_pyramid(5)
    • Description: Prints an inverted half pyramid pattern with row numbers from 1 to 5.
  11. Floyd's Triangle (5)

    • Function: floyd_triangle(5)
    • Description: Prints Floyd's triangle with 5 rows.
  12. Zero-One Pattern (5)

    • Function: zero_one_pattern(5)
    • Description: Prints a zero-one pattern with 5 rows.
  13. Palindromic Pattern (5)

    • Function: palindromic_pattern(5)
    • Description: Prints a palindromic pattern with 5 rows.
  14. Star Diamond Pattern (10)

    • Function: star_diamond(10)
    • Description: Prints a star diamond pattern with 10 rows.
  15. Hollow Star Diamond Pattern (10)

    • Function: hollow_star_diamond(10)
    • Description: Prints a hollow star diamond pattern with 10 rows.
  16. Column Number Pattern (5)

    • Function: column_number_pattern(5)
    • Description: Prints a pattern with column numbers from 1 to 5.
  17. Zigzag Pattern (17)

    • Function: zigzag_pattern(17)
    • Description: Prints a zigzag pattern with 17 rows.
  18. Hollow Diamond Inscribed in Rectangle (9)

    • Function: hollow_diamond_inscribed_in_rectangle(9)
    • Description: Prints a hollow diamond pattern inscribed in a rectangle with 9 rows.
  19. Hollow Rhombus Pattern (5)

    • Function: hollow_rhombus_pattern(5)
    • Description: Prints a hollow rhombus pattern with 5 rows.
  20. Row Number Pattern (5)

    • Function: row_number_pattern(5)
    • Description: Prints a pattern with row numbers from 1 to 5.
  21. Pascal's Triangle (6)

    • Function: pascal_triangle(6)
    • Description: Prints Pascal's triangle with 6 rows.


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the desired pattern folder.
  3. Compile and run the corresponding C++ file to see the pattern output.

Feel free to contribute additional patterns or improve existing ones! 🚀

Remember to replace the function names and descriptions with your actual C++ code