Facebook Newsfeed Page project is just a replica of the News Feed page of Facebook social networking website.
Vulcun.html is the main page that should be run to see the final result. Update status box is implemented where each post is prepended over the last post. The post generated also has comment and delete buttons. User can right comments to the post and every comment is appended after the previous post just as seen in the original facebook page. When user clicks on the delete button the post along with the comments written on it is deleted altogether. Even the chat box similar to the one in facebook page has been implemented that opens the chat window when the name is clicked on the chat sidebar. The page is refreshed when you click on the navbar brand and even the name of the user. All these functions are implemented by only using Javascript/jquery. Twitter's bootstrap framework has also been used in addition to the HTML5 and CSS3 for the frontend part of the page. The styling is set in the style.css page.