This Python application monitors a specified directory for new image files (JPG, JPEG, PNG) and automatically converts them to the WebP format.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

python -m pip install cloudconvert

# WebP Image Converter for Mac

This Python application monitors a specified directory for new image files (JPG, JPEG, PNG) and automatically converts them to the WebP format. It's optimized for 16" Retina displays, ensuring high-quality images with reduced file sizes for web use. The application uses the Watchdog library to watch for new files and ImageMagick for the conversion process.

## Features

- **Automatic Conversion**: Monitors a user-specified directory and automatically converts new images to WebP format.
- **Retina Display Optimization**: Optimizes images for 16" Retina displays, balancing image quality with file size.
- **Aspect Ratio Preservation**: Maintains the original aspect ratio of images and does not stretch smaller images.
- **Configurable**: Allows users to configure settings like the directory to watch, max dimensions, and image quality.

## Requirements

- Python 3
- ImageMagick
- Watchdog library

## Installation

1. **Clone the repository:**
   git clone https://github.com/[your_username]/webp-image-converter.git
   cd webp-image-converter
  1. Install the required packages:

    pip install watchdog
  2. Ensure ImageMagick is installed:

    • ImageMagick can be installed via Homebrew:
      brew install imagemagick


Before running the application, configure the directory_to_watch in the script to the directory you want to monitor:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    directory_to_watch = "/Users/[you decide this path]"
    w = Watcher(directory_to_watch)

Replace "/Users/[you decide this path]" with the path to the directory you want to monitor.


To run the application, navigate to the application directory in your terminal and run:

python convert_to_webp.py

The application will start monitoring the specified directory and automatically convert any new JPG, JPEG, or PNG files to WebP format.

Packaging as a macOS Application

You can package this script as a standalone macOS application using py2app. Refer to the py2app documentation for detailed instructions.


Contributions are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
