
An object-oriented Python approach towards providing a giant wrapper for Tikz code, with the goal of streamlining the process of creating complex figures for TeX documents.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An object-oriented Python approach towards providing a giant wrapper for Tikz code, with the goal of streamlining the process of creating complex figures for TeX documents.

To install it, run

pip install tikz-python


We have documentation now! Please visit the documentation site.


Want to see some nice examples of what this package can do? See here.

How to Use: Basics

An example of this package in action is below.

from tikzpy import TikzPicture  # Import the class TikzPicture

tikz = TikzPicture()
tikz.circle((0, 0), 3, options="thin, fill=orange!15")

arc_one = tikz.arc((3, 0), 0, 180, x_radius=3, y_radius=1.5, options="dashed")
arc_two = tikz.arc((-3, 0), 180, 360, x_radius=3, y_radius=1.5)

tikz.show()  # Displays a pdf of the drawing to the user

which produces

We explain line-by-line the above code.

  • from tikzpy import TikzPicture imports the TikzPicture class from the tikzpy package.

  • The second line of code is analogous to the TeX code \begin{tikzpicture} and \end{tikzpicture}. The variable tikz is now a tikz environment, specifically an instance of the class TikzPicture, and we can now append drawings to it.

  • The third, fourth, and fifth lines draw a filled circle and two elliptic arcs, which give the illusion of a sphere.

  • In the last line, the call show() immediately displays the PDF of the drawing to the user.