
Configured of using Next.js with Preact X!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nextjs with Preact X!

A starter template for using Next.js with Preact X!


This repo was come out the time Preact 10 was still alpha and was the first one (if not) using Preact 10 with Nextjs. As the state of that time, this was the only option to use Preact with Next.js. As the time now, Preact has more and better integration option, I'd recommended:

This starter is ready to be here:

git clone https://github.com/aomkirby123/nextjs-preactX

To migrate from existing project

We need to add next.js and preact

yarn add next preact preact-render-to-string preact-ssr-prepass
yarn add react react-dom --dev

// or using npm
npm install next preact preact-render-to-string preact-ssr-prepass
npm-install react react-dom --save-dev

Wait, why do we add React here?

Next.js require React and React DOM to run, so we'll use a little trick.

Create next.config.js at the same level of package.json and add:

// next.config.js
module.exports = {
		config.resolve.alias = {
			react: 'preact/compat',
			'react-dom': 'preact/compat',
			'react-render-to-string': 'preact-render-to-string',
			'react-ssr-prepass': 'preact-ssr-prepass'

		return config

By aliasing React and React DOM to Preact/compat in Preact X does provided all the job.

That's it, You're done!

Now you can perfectly import anything from 'react' and next will just use Preact instead!