
Primary LanguageRust

design choices

  • For never changed slices, use Rc<[T]> (or Rc<str>, Rc<Path>); Rc is Arc or Rc, controlled by type alias.
  • Use async for IO operations;
  • For other blocking operations, use spawn_blocking;
  • why use rustix rather than libc and nix
    • rustc use this
    • safe and friendly api


  • 使用Actor模型,并使用channel传递信息,其范式如下:

    struct Message { ... }
    struct Actor { ... }
    impl Actor {
      pub fn new() -> Self
      pub fn run(mut self, mut rx: Receiver<Message>) -> JoinHandle<()> {
        tokio::spawn(async move {
          while let Some(msg) = rx.recv().await {
            match msg { ... }
  • Unit 实现

    struct Impl { ... }
    struct Handle { ... }
    impl crate::unit::Handle for Handle {
        async fn stop(self: Box<Self>) -> UnitHandle {
            // use runtime info to stop the running things
        async fn wait(&mut self) -> RtMsg {
            // monitor runtime state, and return messages including rt notice or exit state...
    impl Unit for UnitImpl<Impl> {
        async start(&self) -> Result<UnitHandle, ()> {
            // start job here, return a handle which
            // contains runtime info needed for monitor and stop/kill
        // do things needed to stop the unit
        async fn stop(&self, handle: UnitHandle) -> Result<(), ()>;
        async fn restart(&self, handle: UnitHandle) -> Result<UnitHandle, ()>;
  • 配置文件读取:得到impl Unit,并填充足够信息(依赖,start,stop等等) 配置文件解析器:File -> impl Unit 特性:使用基于tokio的异步io

  • Actor

    • DepStore

      • 运行时进行依赖关系的暂存与等待,保证各个Unit按预期顺序启动
      • api
      pub(crate) enum Message {
          /// 加载一个Unit的依赖信息
          Load(UnitId, Rc<UnitDeps>),
          /// 增加一项等待启动的Unit
          /// 收到通知事件:指定Unit的状态发生改变
          StateChange(UnitId, State),
      • 引用的其他actor
        • GuardStore StateStore GuardStore
    • GuardStore

      • 储存Unit的运行时守护task
      • api
      pub(crate) enum Message {
          /// Query if guard of the specific unit exists
          Contains(UnitId, oneshot::Sender<bool>),
          /// Insert a guard.
          /// remove a guard \
          /// usually called by self when a gurad quits
          /// notice all deps are ready for a specific unit \
          /// called by `Dep`
          /// notice there's at least one required dep of the specific unit failed
          /// Send a Stop message to the specific unit guard
          /// Notify a unit that it already dead
      • 引用的其他actor
        • DepStore StateStore UnitStore MountMonitorStore
    • StateStore

      • 储存Unit的状态信息。目前的状态如下:
      #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
      pub enum State {
          Uninit = 0,
      • api
      pub(crate) enum Message {
          /// 打印内部信息,用于调试
          /// 获得指定Unit的状态
          Get(UnitId, oneshot::Sender<State>),
          /// 注册一个hook,用于监听特性unit的状态改变 \
          /// 是一个坏的api:由于unit start之后,set state的时机无法确定, \
          ///     因此想要在start一类操作之后获得state作为结果的情景无法使用此api实现
          Monitor {
              id: UnitId,
              s: MonitorRet,
              cond: Box<dyn FnOnce(State) -> bool + Send + 'static>,
          /// 无条件设置指定Unit的状态
          Set(UnitId, State),
          /// 以当前状态作为条件决定是否设置指定Unit状态 \
          /// 一定程度上相当于对指定Unit的状态进行CAS原子操作
          SetWithCondition {
              id: UnitId,
              new_state: State,
              condition: Box<dyn FnOnce(State) -> bool + Send + 'static>,
      • 引用的其他actor
        • DepStore
    • UnitStore

      • 存储Unit静态信息,并负责Unit的start, stop, restart等动作的发出,以及依赖解析
      • api
      pub(crate) enum Message {
          /// 用于调试 打印内部信息
          /// 用于更新/插入对应Unit的静态信息
          Update(UnitId, UnitObj),
          /// 移除Store中的指定Unit
          /// 启动指定Unit
          /// 停止指定Unit
          /// 重启指定Unit
      • 引用的其他actor
        • DepStore
    • MountMonitorStore

      • 挂载点监控
      • api
      pub(crate) enum Message {
      • 引用的其他Store GuardStore
  • signal handler

    • 利用tokio自带机制完成注册
    • 对于一个signal, 由于在tokio里面可以使用stream的形式处理,因此我们很容易得到以下注册方式:
      fn register_signal_handler<F>(signalkind: SignalKind, mut handler: F)
          F: FnMut() + Send + 'static,
          let mut sig = signal(signalkind).unwrap();
          tokio::spawn(async move {
              loop {
      其中 handler在每次收到后会被调用。作为信号处理函数,其内部逻辑应当尽可能避免阻塞。



pub(crate) trait Unit: Debug {
    fn name(&self) -> Rc<str>;
    fn description(&self) -> Rc<str>;
    fn documentation(&self) -> Rc<str>;
    fn kind(&self) -> UnitKind;

    fn deps(&self) -> Rc<UnitDeps>;

    /// start the unit, return a handle which
    /// contains runtime info needed for monitor and stop/kill
    async fn start(&self) -> Result<UnitHandle, ()>; // todo: error type

    /// do things needed to stop the unit
    async fn stop(&self, handle: UnitHandle) -> Result<(), ()>;

    async fn restart(&self, handle: UnitHandle) -> Result<UnitHandle, ()>;

pub(crate) struct UnitImpl<KindImpl> {
    pub common: UnitCommon,
    pub sub: KindImpl,


  • make Sender<Message> a handle type, make Message private
  • refactor: actor mod
  • Unify Naming
    • Dep -> DepStore
    • GuardManager -> GuardStore
    • StateManager -> StateStore
    • Store -> UnitStore
  • refactor guard code 给Guard一个类型,而不是现在的Box<dyn FnOnce(Sender<store::Message>, Sender<state::Message>, Receiver<GuardMessage>) -> BoxFuture<'static, State> + Send + 'static>
  • impl socket trigger service start add Args for Unit::start, and pass socket to service
  • remove all magic numbers and use const instead
  • logging
  • Error handle
  • Remove state handle in store, use guard to know the state of units
  • impl Deps like systemd
    • test
      • write test
      • pass test
    • impl
      • start requires and wants
      • wait requires starting
      • fail when requires failed
      • stop when requires stop
      • stop conflicts
      • wait requires/wants active due to before/after
      • want conflicts stop due to before/after
      • restart related:
        • restart when requires restart
  • unified unit loader(depinfo name ...)


  • handle signals (references: sysmaster, systemd)
    • impl signal handler
    • handle signals like sysmaster and systemd


  • mount & swap

    • parse fstab
      • device
        • LABEL
        • PARTLABEL
        • UUID
        • PARTUUID
        • ID
        • PATH
          • valid path
      • check paths (reference: libmount)
    • generate .mount unit
    • generate .swap unit
    • mount/unmount fs
    • swapon/off
    • monitor mounts and swaps
  • service

    • parse .service file
    • start/stop service
    • monitor service
  • timer

    • parse .timer file
  • socket

    • parse .socket file
  • target

    • parse .target file