Blade Waltz bug
Closed this issue · 7 comments
no. this is an intended design by BHS
you are not able to use 2nd BW within 0.8 second after use of 1st BW, with this message displayed
Problem is, this message apears after i use first BW cast not second, i never use 2 BW in row.
I don't really know how to break blade waltz in gameplay, or how saltymonkey and leiki break it as there is a lot of experimental stuff in their sp.
i have my own sp serves as your option:
I get yours SP and no more problems, thx
I found 1 bug in your version to :) when i use backstab, i get in back of the boss, but camera don`t auto turn on boss, so after back stab i must turn manual camera to boss or i will cast my skill in wrong direction .
Can be "fixed" by simply adding a "noRetry: true" to Blade Waltz's 1st cast.
This happens because skill-prediction is basically sending your 1st BW cast several times to the server to prevent ghosting from packet loss. This happens with most skills in the game but you usually don't get an error message because the skill is already on cooldown by then.
Let me emphasize that this has no negative influence at all on your gameplay and you can safely ignore the message.