
Backdoor any .py file - Backdoor implanter for OS X & Linux

Primary LanguagePython


Backdoor any .py file - Backdoor implanter for OS X & Linux - Compatible with EggShell!


PyInfect is a tool that allows you to create and implant a backdoor on any .py file. The infected malware exported by PyInfect now works on both Mac OS and Linux.

PyInfect is Compatible with Python versions 2.x and 3.x.



Getting Started


git clone https://github.com/0xCoto/PyInfect


cd PyInfect
python PyInfect.py


The way this tool works is by writing a backdoored shell command in .py file which is being executed when the .py file is run. As soon as the victim runs the .py script, it'll automatically run that shell command which will install a persistance .plist file on their computer, or implant a persistence command on the user's /etc/rc.local file (if they are on Linux), which you can customize using this interactive script.

Manage Connections

You can monitor, manage and interact with infected machines using the CNC interface Script, written by Lucas Jackson: EggShell.

To do

  1. Add feature to implant backdoor on a pre-existing .py file.


PyInfect was created by @0xCoto and @danbatiste.